Chapter Five

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We wake up and turns out Hope ankle was just twisted. So she is fine now . "So you and Matt still have not kissed yet, EXPLAIN" Hope says. Dylan missed that part of the show so she is listening "well I though it was too soon so... FINE if its that important to you then I will today" I say. Hope claps and says "Yay" and Dylan smiles. Dylan, Jessica, and Hope get dressed and go outside. I walk outside with the girls and over to Matt and Nash and ask "How long are we staying?" "about a week" Nash says "Oh OK, Matt lets go for a walk" I say "OK" he says. We go to the lake and walk along the water. "Its really pretty here" I say smiling "Yea it is" he says and then we stop and sit down. We look at the clouds and that kind of shit. "Hey Jess?" Matt says looking at me "Yea?" I ask. Before he says anything he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and I think "omg he just kissed me hard to believe but I just had my first kiss!" I pull away first and I smile at him, while trying to keep cool about it. We get up and we interlock our fingers then start walking back to the camp site. When we get there Hope and Dylan run up to me "So did you kiss him?" Hope asks. I nob and they both start jumping up and down. Dylan, me and Hope get our Mountain Bikes and start riding around the site. "Why couldn't we take our penny bards?" Hope asks "Because its too rocky on this trail" Dylan says. Hope and Dylan are talking and I just zone out. I think about Matt, mainly the kiss. I felt a spark, I have never felt that before. But that was my first kiss, does every kiss feel like that? Is he "the one" or am I just imagining this. Then I fall off my bike. "OMG JESSICA ARE YOU OK?" I hear Hope and Dylan say as the run over to me. "I think so" I say, I stand up then I get this sharp pain in my arm when I try and pick up my bike "OW" I shout. That time I screamed so loud the guys heard us. They come running from the camp site. "Are you ok? Who is hurt?" Matt says. Then he looks at me and I am holding my arm. He runs over to me "let me see" he says. I let go and reveal my arm. He flinches then say "Wow ok then lets get you too a doctor". We hurry into the car and down to the Hospital. They take me into surgery to fix my arm.


We all go into the waiting room to well , wait. I get on my phone, and Nash and Dylan start talking about wedding stuff. Then I see Matt pacing back and fourth on the other side of the room. I get up and walk over to him "Matt are you ok?" I ask "No what if its more than a break, what if they find something else, something worst." he says "WOAH slow down hot shot its just a broken arm nothing is going to happen" I say. "How do you know" he says kinda snappy but its stressful for him. "You really like her don't you?" I ask. He nodds then sits down in a chair, covering his face with his hands. "What if I screw something up with her Hope?" he asks. I think back to the one boyfriend she had, what an ass hole he was. He crushed her heart so bad I didn't know if she would ever date again. This guy not only cheated on her for 3 years but with 4 other girls. Dylan being one of them. They never had a clue this was happening when it happened, the worst part is that this guy never kissed any of them so they didn't know what to think. "Matt nothing you do could screw this up for you and her" I say "how do you know?" he says once again. "Because of what her ex boyfriend did to her" I say "What happened?" he asked. I told him everything. He was clearly in shock, he didn't know what to say but apparently Nash heard me from the other side of the room. And you can hear him talk to Dylan "That happened?" he asks. Dylan hated talking about that guy and what he did. She was too upset to speak and you can tell by the look in her eyes. So instead of talking she just nodded her head yes. "What's this guys name" Nash says getting kinda mad "Justin Davis" she says quietly. She pulls up a picture of him on her Facebook. She never goes on Facebook now because of him. She shows Nash the picture of him then puts her phone away and starts to cry. Nash holds her in his arms and Matt asks "how did you find out?" I elbow him because she was in tears and hates talking about it, but to my surprise she says "I saw him holding hands with Jessica then the next day Jessica say him holding hands with another girl. We asked him how many girls he was seeing. He said four." I never knew that. Then the doctor comes out and Jessica has a black cast on her arm. She looks over and see's Dylan crying. She looks at me the sits next to Dylan. "Dyl what's wrong?" Jessica asks. "They brought up Justin" she says. Jessica's face goes blank and pale. Clearly she is in shock. "Justin..." she whispered. "Why the hell are you talking about him?" she asks. "I told Matt" I said. Why would I say that though. "Hope? Why did you tell my boyfriend about my ex boyfriend WHO DOES THAT?" she says. She hates talking about Justin as much as Dylan does. She sits down in the corner and cries as well. Not as bad as Dylan is crying but she lets a tear or two drop. Matt walks over to her and starts talking.


"Jess are you ok?'' I hear a voice say. I look up and see that it's Matt. "Not really" I say. He sits next to me and puts an arm around me. Then I get a text

From: Justin

To: Jessica


Matt saw the text and you can tell he is not happy.

From: Jessica

To: Justin


From: Justin

To: Jessica


"Oh Hope you forgot to tell them he was abusive" I say showing her the text. "How abusive?" Nash asks. I try and think of how to explain it then I remembered. Dylan has a scare from when he cut her. "Dylan show them your arm" I say "huh? oh from when he cut me" she said remembering. You can tell she wanted to cry more when she though of that day. She lifted her right arm and pointed at this 3 inch long scare running up her arm. Nash's eyes look like they are going to pop out of his head when he saw. "Dyl um we might wanna hide without our phones" I say "Why?" she says. Her voice is low. I forward her the text from Justin. "HOLY SHIT NO NO NO NO NO NO NOO" she screams throwing her phone. Nash picks it up and there is no cracks then he looks at the message. Dylan starts to cry, Hope is confused, Nash doesn't know what the hell to do, Matt is trying to calm me down. Its all way too hectic. "What do we do? he knows where we are?" Dylan asks. "OK turn your phones off because he can track you when they are on" Nash says "But he knows where we are already" I ask "DO IT" Nash shouts but only because he is worried. Dylan and I turn our phones off then Nash says "We will leave the camp site tomorrow and have your numbers changed because he is tracking you though your numbers." he explains. We all nod and drive back to the camp. We fall asleep and the morning slowly comes. We all get into the car and drive back to the house. "Great to be back" Dylan says. Chloe starts barking so we put her outside. After about 5 hours we hear a knock at the door. " I GOT IT" Dylan yells. She opens the door and screams then slams the door and runs upstairs.

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