Chapter Seventeen

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Its now 6:00 and Toby is home. "What do you want to eat?" I ask him. (I relize you have no clue what Toby looks like so here he is!!!) "I don't care how about Hot Dogs? Matt can cook them on the grill outside" he suggests. "One problem bud. Last time Matt cooked on a grill the neighbors though our house was on fire" I say laughing. Matt comes up behind me, hugs me from behind, and says "Give me another chance PLEASE?" I laugh then say "Fine but what do we do if you fail?" I ask Matt knowing he will most likely fail. "Then we go out" Matt says, he must be really confident because Matt doesn't like going out because of all the people. "Fine" I say laughing. I put the hotdogs on a plate and hand them to Matt. I raise my eyebrows when I hear Matt shout "I CAN'T TURN THIS THING ON!!!". I roll my eyes and say to Toby "start thinking where you want to go eat. We'll be leaving soon" and I walk outside to help Matt. But I find him sitting in a chair holding him fingers and the grill on. I run over to him and say "oh my god Matthew? What happened?!?!?!" "I burnt myself." Matt simply says "I'll be right back" I say running back inside, grab a cold glass of water and a washcloth. I go back outside and wet the washcloth and put it on Matt's fingers. He flinches slightly in pain but then he is fine but he looks sad. I sit on my knees next to him and rest my chin on his arm. "What's wrong?" I ask him "I feel like I'm not a real man and I don't deserve you. I couldn't help you with Justin hell I can't even start the grill without getting hurt" Matt says running his hand through his hair like he does when he's upset. "Matt-" I start to say but he say "I'm going to go for a walk" and then gets up and leaves. I sigh and I decide to go after him. I go inside and ask Toby "you have a friend you can hang out with I need to talk to Matt and tomorrow night we will have a bonfire and ALL your friend" "YESH!!! Thanks Jess" he says hugging me and goes to put clothes in a bag then runs outside to his friends. I put my shoes on and run outside and down the road. No Matt. I made some turns and still no Matt. I call him voicemail I text him he reads it but never replys. I decide to go back to the cabin but it starts raining. Shit. I love rain and all but this is the one time I decide to wear makeup. But now the rain made it dark and I can't see where I'm going. I sigh and sit on a bench and think. I start humming and then sing a little. I only sing when I'm alone and it's raining so no one will be outside. I close my eyes and tilt my head back and let the water hit my face. I smile and laugh a little. Someone sits next and says "you have a nice singing voice". It was Matt... "Oh um yea you weren't suppose to hear that" I say embarrassed but Matt puts his arm around me and says "I'm sorry I'm not everything you deserve" "Matt shut up your my everything" I say resting my head on his shoulder. I kiss him and we go back to the cabin but I am about to walk inside when Matt pulls me into his arms and I laugh "what is this one of those cheesy parts of a love story?" I ask and Matt laughs too.  But he hugs me and spins me around then says "now it is"causing both of us to laugh and I say laughing "stop I hate those kind of movies". He laughs, puts me down and we go inside. I grab us towels and toss him one. We dry off and I Change and Matt asks "where's Toby?" "At a friends cabin and I promised Toby we would have a bonfire and all his friends can come over and they will be spending the night here" I explain while making something for dinner. "Oh so tomorrow is shopping day?"Matt asks "yup" I say handing him a plate with food on it. "So a bonfire huh?" He says smiling "yea and the camps store they sell this stuff that changes the color of the fire" I say sitting on the couch. He sits next to me and says "quite the party planner". I roll my eyes and we watch tv. But then the rain turns into a bad storm. There is a huge lighting bolt followed my it's huge CRACK sound it makes when it hits the ground. Then the power goes out. It kinda scares me because it goes out but the guy on the weather Channel says this could turn into a flash flood. He said to continue watching for tips but the power went out. When the power went out I screamed and his my face in Matt's chest. He holds me tight and I wait until I head a rumble of thunder. "2" I simply say. "Huh?" Matt asks confused "I counted how long after the lightning bolt the tinder followed behind. Two seconds which means it's two miles away. HOLY SHIT TWO MILES!" I say getting up and putting a hoodie on and Matt says "where are you going you need to stay here where I know your safe." Matt says getting up worried. "I'm going to get Toby I'm going to have him with me" I say then running out the door before Matt can object. I run to Toby's friends cabin and pick him up. He had a hoodie so he was ready to go. I didn't bring the umbrella because it had metal on it and lightning is attracted to metal. We run back to the cabin and go inside. "Thank god your okay" Matt says to both of us. Toby goes to change and I take the hoodie off. Matt walks over to me and hugs me. "What's wrong I was only gone 5 minutes?" I ask but he just simply says "I was thinking and I just wanted to say I love you". Um okay that was weird but I say "oh I love you too" then pull away. I sit on the couch and look out the window. But a bolt of lightning strikes a power line causing there to be sparks. I scream one because it caught me off guard and two I was looking right at it so I cover my eyes because the brightness hurt my eyes. "Jess you okay?" Matt says walking over to me and hugs me which leads to him holding me. I nod and see the creek across the street it starting to flood. "We need to get out of here" Matt says seeing the creek as well "we can't the guy on the news said to say indoors because the speed of the water can push a moving car off the road" I explain sitting on the couch. Matt sits next to me with his arms around me and my head resting on his shoulder. Toby comes into the room and lays across the both of us. He hates thunderstorms. Then lucky (go back to the beginning of the story) jumps up and lays on Toby. She noticed the worried looks on our faces and she does that to calm us down. I pet her and end up falling asleep.

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