Chapter Thirteen

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"Lets get out of here shall we. The doctor says I can leave"  I say, they nod and I stand up  and they leave the room so I can change. I quickly change  then I walk out of the room,sign out of the hospital then walk over to my friends. "Let's go" I say picking Toby up and we all head outside and get into the car. Me and Matt sit next to each other in the backseat and I am next to Toby who, I strapped into his car seat. Rebecca is driving and Allison is in the passengers seat. I end up falling asleep on the ride home. When I wake up I am in my bed, Matt's arms around me. I don't want to wake him but I hear Toby yelling in his room. So I very quietly get up without waking him and I go into Toby's room. "Hey buddy why are you screaming" I say picking him up and sitting him on my lap. "I wanna play" he says bouncing up and down. "Ow okay bud we will play but stop bouncing your going to hurt my lap" I say. He laughs and so do I then I pick him up and carry him downstairs to the kitchen. I sit him down in his seat then ask "what do you want I eat?" "I don't wanna eat I wanna play" Toby says  "well you have to want yogurt or toast?" I ask him "neither I want pancakes" he says bouncing again. I laugh and start making the pancake mix. I get the pan out and start making pancakes. Then someone comes up behind me and picks me up. That scared me so I scream and then Toby starts laughing. "MATTHEW PUT ME DOWN" I yell but he disobeys. He has me over his shoulder and he flips the pancakes then gives then to Toby so they don't burn. "MATTHEW.PUT.ME.DOWN" I yell again. "No" he says walking outside and Toby running behind us because he wants to play. It's warm outside so Matt runs to the backyard and to the pool. "Matthew Lee Espinosa I swear to god if you drop me in that water then I will hurt you" I say very strictly, "then this is an accident oops" he says as he throws me into the pool but makes it look like he tripped. I come back up for air and say "MATT I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!!!" I shout. Toby is laughing his ass off and so is Matt. I get out of the pool and walk over to Matt. "I love you let me give you a hug" I say insolently. "I love you too but I don't need a hug really Jess" he says backing up slowly but I run up to Him and hugged him causing him to be wet as we'll. "and you ya little tramp" I say to Toby as I run after him and scoop him up into my arms "gotcha" I say and he laughs. I laugh and run and jump into the pool with him. We both come up and laugh then all of a sudden Matt jumps in getting me all wet. "YAY MATT" Toby yells. I get out of the pool and go inside and grab a towel. I dry off then wrap the towel around me. I sit on the couch and Matt walks inside with Toby. Toby goes upstairs and plays after he changes and Matt drys off and sits next to me. "Hey what's wrong?" He says "Matt I love you and I love being apart of the magcon team but I don't want to leave. Toby is getting older and I'm not there for him. He is four now.When I left he was 2. I am shocked he even remembers me. Matt... I don't think I can leave Toby" I say frowning and wanting to cry. "Jessica? What are you trying to say?" Matt asks confused but yet concerned. "Matt I can't go back to Magcon with you." I say as I stand up and walk upstairs to Toby's room. I lean in his doorway (Like This Man) and smile.He is playing with his stuffed Lion and Tiger."Hey bud" I say he looks over and then stands up, grabs my arm, and pulls me over to his toys. "Play Tiger" he says handing me the tiger. I smile. I remember this tiger. My mom gave it to me when I was little. Or before she died. I play with him for a bit then say "Toby, how would you feel if I went away a bit longer with Matt?". "NO JESSIE DON'T LEAVE" he shouts and then hugs me. I hug him back and I see Matt standing in the doorway like I was. "What if you came with us?" Matt says. "YAY" he says. He grabs his tiny tomas the train back pack and shoves all his clothes and toys in it and says "ready". "Okay Toby but we leave tomorrow so you can help me pack" I say standing up and holding out my hand for him to grab. He grabs my hand and we run to my room. I pack my bags (with Toby's assistance of course) then its time for dinner. I go downstairs (Matt and Toby are upstairs playing) and start cooking dinner. "DINNER!!!" I shout and I hear the boys run downstairs. I set the table then I sit down on the couch. Matt helps Toby into his chair then sits next to me. "Now what's up?" he asks putting his arm around me.I rest my head on his shoulder and say "Thinking... Matt? Where do you see 'us' in the future?" I ask. He looks at me shocked then he smiles. "I see us in a house, with Toby and kids of our own, and proving everyone who ever doubted us wrong" he says. I smile and kiss him "I love you" I whisper as I fall asleep in his arms.

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