Chapter Six

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"JESSICA, NASH, MATT COME UP HERE NOW" I hear Dylan yell. We all go up stairs. I see Dylan crying like she just saw someone she loved get murdered."Dylan what's going on?" I say. Then there is loud pounding at the door. "JUSTIN'S HERE" she shouts. My face goes pale. I get light headed. "Why is everything black?" I think to myself. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a car. I look next to me and Matt is driving. "Wait I passed out? But if I passed out that means that Dylan did too. Whenever someone passes out she passes out to". Matt looks over and see's that I am awake "Hey" he says looking at me then looking at the road again "Hey" I say quietly looking around. "Nash is Dylan awake?" Matt asks "Nope" I hear him say from the back seat "where are we?" "California" Matt says "WHAT" I shout "That Justin kid found you. You passed out then Dylan passed out" Matt explains. Wow that's weird "so how did you get me and Dylan into the car without him seeing you?" I ask "Full of questions today wow, he did see us'' Matt says "So how did you get out?" I ask. I wanted answers and I want them now. This is a crazy abuser we are talking about. I am not taking my chances. "Well..." Matt says, I raise my eyebrows at him "Matt" I say "he tried to take you and Dylan so I kinda, maybe, sorta, punched him in the face and he went out cold" Matt said. My jaw drops. Matt punched someone? My Matt? How? I mean I have only seen him punch one person, but that was out of jealously. "Matt you really did that?" I ask "Yea" he says. We stop at a hotel and Nash says "She's still not up I'm going to try and wake her". He kisses her and she wakes up. Love. When the hell did it get so complicated? We all get out of the car but before we go in Matt says "One or two rooms?" "One is fine" I say, Nash and Dylan nod and we all go in, they give us our keys and we find they room. Dylan looks at the paper with the room number on it and then looks at the door. "This is the room" she says unlocking the door and walking in. "Dylan lets ride down to the phone store and get new phone's. Justin can track these ones" I say. She nod then goes into the bathroom to change. Once she is done I go change and we grab our phones. Nash and Matt grab them from us. "Hey hasn't anyone told you never to mess with a girl's phone?" Dylan asks "Yea that's like stealing Starbucks from a white girl. Never do that" I say. Matt and Nash laugh then turn our phone's off "he can track you remember" Nash says. We grabs out phone's from them then grab our Penny Boards. We ride outside and I tell Dylan "You need a new board" "what? Why?" she said "OK if it came down to this would you pick Nash or your Penny Board?" I ask as we ride "Nash of course" she says "OK what's your last name?' I ask "Grier" she said. She just got married  ( Read Dylan's story Meeting The Magcon Boys) she almost said Franta because she is use to saying Franta. "Your point?" she asks. "Kick up your board." I say, we stop and she kicks her board up "OHHHH" she said. "We can customize it again change the Franta to Grier" I say. She nods then we ride again. We stop at the news stand and I pick up people magazine."Um Dyl?" I say "yea?" she says walking over. She see's that her wedding was awarded wedding of the year. "OMG CONGRATS" I say "thanks" she says buying a copy. First we ride down to the phone store to get new phones. Dylan and I get phone's then we get Dylan's board customized. We ride to the hotel and go into the room."New board?" Matt asks Dylan "Yea my old one had Dylan Franta on it" she says. Matt and I decide to go for a walk, we hold hands and walk along the side walk. The these two guys approach us. "This your lady?" one of the guys asks "Yea" Matt says pulling his arm around me causing me to become closer to him. Then the other guy grabs my other arm and pulls me under his arm "well she's mine now" he say. His grip is tight. "Your hurting me" I say to the man. "Too bad" he says Matt tries to get his grip lose but his attempts fail. "Matt help" I say as the man turns and starts walking. I can brake free. What the hell. I look to see that mans face. I scream as loud as I possibly could after I saw who it was. It was Justin. "YOU LITTLE SON OF A BITCH LET ME GO YOU ASS HOLE" I shout. Adrenaline is now pumping throughout my body. I stomp on his foot, hearing a crushing sound. he releases his grip and I fall to the ground. Matt rushes to my side. My broken arm hurts like hell and now my other arms does too. Matt helps me up and we run back to the hotel. "What happened?" Dylan said running over to us. "Justin" I said, her face goes pale once more. "I'ma take a nap" she says then passes out. Nash picks her up bridal style and lays her down on the bed. "You two OK?" Nash asks "Yea" I say. Nash wakes Dylan and they go off to do god know's what. "I can't believe that kid" I say "Yea" Matt says "why didn't you help me?" I ask. He gets a mad look on his face "ME? I TRIED! YOU COULD HAVE DONE MORE YOURSELF" Matt yells. I have never seen him like that. "ME I WAS IN HIS DEATH GRIP AND YOU EXPECT ME TO GET OUT OF THAT ALONE" I scream back "You know what, whatever good luck with your life" he says. Tears fill my eyes "are you breaking up with me?" I ask. He falls silent. There was my answer right there "I THOUGH YOU WERE DIFFERENT BUT YOUR JUST LIKE THE REST IF THEM" I scream running out of the room. tears rushing down my face. I go down to the main office and get my own room. I text Dylan what had happened and she said she would room with me and that she will bring over our stuff. I fall onto the bed.crying. I had never felt like this before. I though he was different. What happened? Then Dylan comes in with our things. She puts the bags down and walks over to hug me. " It's OK Jessica" she said. It wasn't OK. Matt dumped me. Now what? I know I don't need a man to be happy but I wanted him. He made me happy. I had one last resort. I walk into the bathroom and pull something out of my pocket. My old razors. I stop when I met Matt. But he broke me. I am physically and emotionally brocken. I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up for a few months. I put the blade to my wrist but before I could add pressure Dylan comes in and takes it from me. "GIVE IT BACK" I yell while I am crying my eyes out. Dylan puts the blade in her pocket and hugs me. I cry in her arms and say "don't harm yourself its not worth it" she says pulling away and showing me her wrists "trust me". My makeup is running I am a walking mess. Then there is a knock on the door. I rush too it and hope its Matt but I open the door and its Nash. "No offence but I didn't want to see you in the doorway" I say "Its cool" he says walking in. "I heard screaming" he says "Jessica tried cutting again" Dylan explains. "I'll talk to Matt" Nash says. I start crying again. Nash walks out of the room and Dylan walks over to my too help me clean up.

- Matt's point of view -

" Are you breaking up with me?" Jessica says. I did say that, but I didn't mean it. I love Jessica. Before I could say anything tears were running down her face and she runs out of the room. My heart feels like it broke into thousands if tiny pieces then fell into the pit in my stomach. Then the door opens. I hope it was Jessica but it was Dylan and Nash. I see Dylan grabbing Jessica's black bags and he green bags "what's going on?" I ask her  " you lost the one thing in your life worth fighting for" she says. She leaves the room and I sit on the bed. The thing is, she was right. "What happened man" Nash said sitting on the other bed. "I said something I didn't mean and like Dylan said "I lost the one this in my life worth fighting for. Then I hear Jessica "GIVE IT BACK" she shouts. I stand up but Nash says "You stay I'll go". He runs out of the room and I pull out my phone. My wallpaper. Its a selfie of her kissing my cheek. I feel a tear roll down my face. I wipe it away. Then Nash comes back in "Is she OK?" I ask "Nah Dylan walked into her attempting to cut" Nash says. This is all my fault. God I am so stupid "This is all my fault" I say "I agree" Nash says. Usually I would shout something back but I was too. Too. I don't even know the correct word to use. I hurt her. Bad. So bad she called me like the rest of her ex's. Including Justin. I might have not beaten her like he did but the pain is the same. What. The. Hell. Do. I. Do. Now. 

- Jessica's point of view -

Dylan went with Nash so I am alone. But she took my blade. I walk out of the room then I see Matt in the hall. He see's me. I'm not ready too talk to him. I run back into the room and lock the door. I heard him say "Jessica Wai-" but then I closed the door.

I fell in love but he failed to catch me. Now I am left here to pick the broken pieces up by myself.

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