Chapter Fourteen

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I can't believe what just happened, Matt and I go back to the house and make some phone calls. Matt calls the guys and I call the girls. It's wednesday which means Hope and Dylan have a girls day thing. I call Dylan and Hope answers "Heyy Jess" Hope answers "HEYYYYYY JESSIE" I hear Dylan shout in the background "Hey guys guess what!" I say ask I sit cross legged on the couch. Matt was upstairs. "What?" I hear Hope and Dylan say simultaneously "MATT AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!" I shout and I hear both of them scream.I tell them I will text them the information and I hang up. I need my eardrums. I grab my glasses and write in my journal. "Dear what-ever-this-thing-is-called, Today

(10-5-2014) was the best day EVER. Not only was Matt's and I's anniversary but he also asked me to marry him!!! I am going to marry the man of my dreams, The perfect boy. The one who fought for me. The one who wouldn't let go. Even when I tried run away. He when I had to take care of Toby he didn't run away but he ran to me. I though this kinda shit was made up. You know happy ever after. Fairy tale ending. But its true. All too true. I am writing this so I can look back at this during the hard times and know EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY! Matt and I might fight but they never last. The next day its was like nothing ever happened... I use to say " I wanna be with someone that I can be around and not have to worry if my mascara will run". I found that someone. Too bad Matt doesn't like me wearing make-up. Toby thinks of Matthew as father. And I am so relieved that he does, Cause I wouldnt know what to do if Toby didn't like Matt. But then again. That would not happen. Because everyone loves Matt. I am glad I came to visit Hope and Dylan because if I didn't. I would not have been apart of the MagCon. I never would have made Matthew my best friend. I would have never started dating Matt. And I would not be where I am today. One big decision lead to a lifelong of happiness. I can finally say for once in my life. I'm Happy! I can also say that my name will not be Jessica Tide Star. But

Jessica Tide ESPINOSA.

I am marrying the man of my dreams. I remember the day I fell for him. I fell in love with his deep brown eyes. That soft brown hair. His amazing personality. ALL OF IT. I would not change a thing about him. Not anything. He's perfect. If I looked up perfection in the dictionary I would find 3 words and a picture, Matthew Lee Espinosa. I never thought that I would love anyone. Besides Toby. But I fell in love and I fell hard. <3 I still can't believe this is my life. Sometimes I think its just a dream and I try and wake up from it, But can't. I don't want to wake up but I have found out. I'm wide awake..." I wrote. But then someone closed my book and put it on the table. Matt. He takes my hands and makes me stand up. I smile at him as he takes my glasses off and puts music on. And We Danced. 

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