Chapter 4

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Even with everything causing Katrina's head to spin, she has been thankful to have a full mind again. She has been overwhelmed for so long. She keeps waiting for when things are going to go wrong. She has been thinking since all is good, there is going to be some bad to follow. On Thursday morning while Katrina was sitting at her writing desk, she began thinking about how her life was when she was with her family. She thought about how much she went through when she was growing up.

As Katrina was thinking, she decided to call Michael. When she heard his voice, she put a smile on her face. She said, "hi honeysuckle, how is work going?" "It's going fairly well. I have been with many patients today. It's been busy, but nothing I can't handle." Katrina said, "I'm glad you've been having a good day. I miss you and I can't wait to see you when you get home."

"What's going to happen when I get home?" "It's the day I'm going to pamper you." "I like how that sounds. I haven't had one of your massages in a good while." "I know it's been a while." When they got off the phone, Katrina went into the kitchen. She made a good salad for them. For the next three hours before Michael came home, Katrina made sure the house was dusted and cleaned. She exercised and even played on the Wii. She did some laundry and watched some TV.

Michael walked in the door around 10:30. When he came in the door, Katrina could tell he was tired. He said, "honey are you ready for me?" Katrina said, "I'm always ready for you." Michael laughed and said, "I'm going to lay on the bed." "That's fine. I'm coming right behind you." Katrina turned off the TV and walked right behind him. She held onto the bottom of his shirt from the back. When they got to the room, Michael took his shirt off over his head and plopped on the bed.

Katrina grabbed her lotion off the dresser and squirted a little into the palm of her hand. Katrina rubbed it through her hands and then started massaging his back. As Katrina was massaging his back, she could feel how tense he was. Katrina worked on the knots and made sure she spent time on his shoulders. As Katrina was working on Michael, he was feeling loose and he moaned as she hit certain spots. Katrina used her elbows, and even her thumbs as she gave him a massage. She even gave him a foot massage.

When they got done, Katrina laid back on the bed and said, "I haven't done that in a very long time. It was nice." Michael scooter back and positioned himself to where he was laying on her lap. He said, "you did a good job. I feel stress-free. Thank you." "You're welcome. We do have to get up though. I made a salad for dinner. We are having sandwiches and salad tonight." "That's fine. It's something light and I won't be feeling weak and wanting to go to sleep after." Katrina said, "baby, we need sleep. That's the whole idea. We need at least eight hours."

Michael said, "I know that sweetie. I am a doctor. I love you and I like coming home to you. I like what we did tonight." "Baby, you have been opening up to me a whole lot since the accident. I am really thankful you can confide in me better. I know our communication used to suck." "It did use to suck. I know that you would rather stay locked in your writing space then spend time with me. Yet, now that everything has happened, I have seen a change in us. It's a great feeling."

"I love the way we are in this moment. We are as happy as can be." "I'm thankful you woke up. I am glad for the moments we share together." "I love you so much. I love what you do to me. I love how when we're together, we are always either laughing or kissing. I feel at home when you're around. It's amazing what you realize when you go through life-changing experiences." "I know what you mean. I'm just so thankful I have you here with me."

Katrina knew the more they talked about the accident the better. She knew she had to learn from the experience. She knew her past helped mold who she is, but she also knows her life has so much more to bring her. She knows she has to keep living and find out what comes next. With Michael and Katrina making time in their schedules, they have gotten better with their communication. They have started listening to each other more. They have found a new way to express themselves.

Katrina has even gotten back into telling Michael about what she writes about. One night while Katrina was sitting up writing, Michael sat beside her on the bed. He said, "what are you writing about?" "I'm writing an adventure piece. It's an old story I got from my mom. I'm just rewriting it and making changes." "that's a tough job." "You are correct. Especially since when I wrote this I was a teenager. My mind doesn't think the same way it did back then." "It's true. Yet, you have matured and so has your imagination."

Katrina said, "you always know what to say." Michael said, "I don't like seeing you doubt yourself. I have seen what you can do. I know you have the potential to do great and bigger things." Katrina said, "baby, you're just saying that." Michael said, "I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. You know me. I don't sugarcoat anything. I have watched you put your all into whatever you are doing. I have learned how to make myself better from watching you. You have helped me more than what you know. Just like I am your muse, you are mine. When it comes to my work, I know it's my duty to help heal and bring peace to families even if I have to let them know their loved one has passed."

Katrina said, "I am proud of you. You take part in doing one of the toughest jobs in the world. You help save lives every day. You are a good doctor and I wouldn't dare take the gift away from you." "We just continue to compliment each other. When we are going through the emotions of things that happen throughout the day, I think it will help if we think about the other one." "I see your point. I think about you all the time anyway."

"I know you do because I do too." "It's important for us to never lose sight of each other. If we lose sight of who we have and what we have, we won't be anything but just people. I love you so much. I love us as a couple and since we got married, we have become even more incredible." They started laughing. When they got done talking, Michael decided to watch a movie. While he was watching a movie, Katrina went back to her writing. In between her writing, Katrina wrapped her arm around Michael's.

Michael looked over and she was just sitting there writing away in her notebook. He began to wonder what his life would have been like if they didn't get married. He knew he would have still been a doctor. He also knew he would have married a fine woman. She just wouldn't have been like Katrina. He knew he was lucky to have her. Katrina and Michael finished what they were doing, and decided to have a prayer moment. They took a moment and prayed about their day and about their future.

As the weeks came and went, Katrina and Michael were making sure they were straight. They went to work and came home and spent time together. They watched Tv, they cuddled on the couch. They even took showers together again. As they were getting better on their communication, everything else was falling into place. Katrina got a raise at work and Michael was getting more recognition. With their marriage doing better, Katrina was starting to realize she was really getting everything she had dreamed of.

She got a job where she can be around books and use her imagination to her advantage. She has a loving husband who supports her no matter what. She doesn't have to feel like she is living in darkness anymore. She has the ability to get lost in her stories. She is able to have a muse who doesn't protest about her gift. Best of all, Katrina knows she is truly loved. With Michael, he feels privileged to have a wife who cares about his well being and doing things for herself.

Being able to have a strong marriage and a good foundation to build on has made them both stronger. Katrina has become more confident in her abilities and herself. She knows she still has her whole life ahead of her. She knows with Michael being in her corner, there isn't anything she can't do. Katrina knows as it gets closer to her finishing her novel, she has to make sure it's all lined up the way it should be. One Friday night while Katrina was typing up the last bit of her story, she began thinking about Michael. She knew he was busy.

She just wanted to hear his voice. She wanted to tell him about the ending with her characters. Katrina just wanted to show her excitement. She knew she was going to have to wait. Once she was done, she saved the document and logged off her computer. She went into the living room and turned off the TV. She sat down and started flipping through channels. She couldn't find anything good. She turned off the tv and turned her sound system on. The first thing she heard was Kendrick Lamar's song All The Stars.

Katrina starred singing and dancing. She knew it was time to release all the stuffed up energy and stress she had from writing the book. As she was jamming, she decided to clean up some more. The house wasn't dirty. She just wanted to keep herself busy. She even made tacos for dinner. Katrina even did five loads of laundry. She even decided to straighten her hair. She took a couple of pictures of herself. She sent them to Michael. She rearranged the furniture in their room. Finally, she turned off the stereo and sat down.

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