a new beginning

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3rd person

It was like any Friday; Aiden was being chased by Sherry, Kody was still sleeping and Lumin had woken up early, as usual, on his way to wake kody up.

Lumine's POV

'Its 7:08 am i should wake kody up for school.'
As i finish buttoning my shirt. I walk tword Kodys room. I open the door to see Kody still sleeping (like always at this time.).

I reach for the covers taking them off then i move tword the sleeping beauty.
"Kooodyyy wake up its time for some breakfast"
i gently say.

Kody just turns around, his back now facing me.

"Kody, c'mon, i'll make food for you if you wake up~"
i say gently, almost singing it at the end
"Only if you make pancakes..."
Kody groaned
"But you have to get ready for school, I'll see u downstairs!"
i said as i left the room.
As soon as i reach the bottom of the stairs, I hear a loud thump.
'Did he fall out of bed?'
I quickly manage to run up the stairs and into his room.
"Kody are you o-"
I was cut off as i saw Kody face first on the floor with blood coming of of his nose.
"KODY, what did you DOO!?"
I said helping the poor guy up. As I help him up, I move the hair out of his face to see how bad he hurt himself.
'Damn hes cute.' I thought to myself. 'WAIT WHAT did I just THINK?!'
I shook my head to get that idea out and just focused on helping kody up.

Kody's POV

I try to get up from my bed, cuz Lumine is gunna make me some delicious pancakes, he knows i can't resist pancakes. As I try to get up I misplaced my hand, slipping and falling face first on the ground.
I thought as I felt a sting on my nose. I felt light footsteps coming my way. It was... Lumine! I hear him scream at me. he started to help me up as I felt his warm fingers slide my hair out of the way. He stared for a moment. I gased at his captivating eyes,
'How beautiful.'
I thought. He helped me up on the bed, I touche my nose just to feel a sharp pain.
I hissed at the stinging feeling.
"Kody are you ok?"
Lumine said in a worried tone.
"Do i LOOK like im OK?!"
I said almost screaming and in an 'in pain' way
"S-ssorry, I'm so dumb of COURSE your not O-"
he started to say but i cut him off
"n-no it's my fault for being dumb and falling off a dumb bed , I'm sorry I screamed at you. It just hurts a lot."
I apologized.
'I feel bad for yelling at him.
I screamed in my head.

Lumine's POV

'Did he just apologize?!
To me?!
He never does that!!
But it sounded verry honest....'
He touched his nose again.
He squeezed my shoulder with his hand as he felt the pain.
"K-kody you're h-hurting me!"
I whispered.
He replied, placing his hand on his lap as fast as u would react to when you get burned
"I'm gunna get Aiden up here ok?."
I said as I tried to get up from the floor. I feel a pull on my arm.
We fell to the floor, Kody on top of me, his right leg in between my thighs. He looked right into my eyes.
I couldn't resist the feeling of wanting to kiss him. His lips look to soft.
I shook the thought off.
I said slightly whispering.
"Can you get off me?"
'I relly don't want him to get off but i feel weird.'
"O-oh im s-sorry"
he replied slowly getting off of me, blood still running frome his nose. His face turned red.
"Kody are you ok, your face is turning red!?"
he looked away frome me.
"Y-you should get my dad."
He said.
I noded and ran down the stairs to get Aiden.
"Aiden! Aiden, Kody needs you!"
He asked, not having heard me clearly
"H... He fell from.. The Bed! h-hes bleeding"
I said still breathless from runing.
"Is his nose bleeding again?"
He asked in a worried tone.
"Oh my goooood"
sherry wined.
"What? Has this happened before?"
I asked surprised
They both responded at thr same time
"We should take him to a doctor"
Silver said walking into the room slightly laughing as he heard the whole exchange.

We ran upstairs to help kody. I fell behide because I couldn't help but think of when he fell on top of me
I blushed .
"Lumine! You coming?"
silver asked. I snaped back
Still blushing.
When I got to the top silver asked me
"did you hurt yourself? Your all red."
I shook my head and rushed into kody's room. I saw that sherry had easily picked Kody up.
"Why can't he just walk?"
silver asked
"I twisted my leg"
kody answered.
I looked at him, worried that he hurt himself badly.
He looked away.
Silver got close to kody and touched his forehead.
"Hmm... Thats weird"
"Your face is red but you dont have a feaver"
Kody swated Silver's hand away. He hid his face under his hair. The room went silent.

"Well, we should head to the hospital now"
I ran to opening the door for sherry.

I tried to catch Kody's eyes. He looked at me for a split second then looked away. That second seemed like an hour as i stood still, just thinking of how captivating his eyes were.
Wow, his eyes are enchanting!
I felt like if i relly was under his spell.
"Lumine, are you ok?"
Aiden asked as he walked out placing his hand on my shoulder. I shook as if i was awaking from a deep hypnosis
i answerd.
"Ok well you should lock the door"
Aiden said giving me the house keys.
I responded as i locking the door behind Aiden.

I got in the car next to kody. Our shoulders touched. We looked at each other then looked away.

Kody's POV

Why is Lumine trying so hard to look at me?

He's honestly kinda cute.


****time skip to the hospital****

"Welp hes all fixed up"
The docter said going into the waiting room. Aiden, Sherry, Silver and I were wating. "But tell me some thing"
the docter said...

To be continued
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Plz remember to vote it helps me alot
I finally fixed some grammer errors xD
1157 words

I fixed the grammer again lol [1/12/2021]
1145 words

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