a new begining p2

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"But tell me something"
the docter said getting closer to Aiden
"how in the WORLD does a child fall from a Bed and BRAKE HIS NOSE!?"
the docter spoke in a angry tone "also"
she said
"he also hurt his leg, tell me HOW?"
"I don't know, as soon as he heard, lumine was gunna make pancakes, i guess he rushed out of bed. He can be VERRY unlucky xD" Aiden said
"verry unlucky"
sherry and silver added.
"Well anyway you can take him home, just make sure he dosen't use his leg much."
the docter said
i say with a worried smile on my face.

*****time skip to the house****

Lumien's POV

Kody hasent talked or looked at me
After he fell. I wonder if hes mad at me for some reason?.
I thought as i laid in my bed.
"OH!" I shouted
mabe its cuz i still havent made him some of my pancakes.
I run down stairs and made some pancakes.
I finished making pancakes and brought them to Kody's room. i nocked on the door. No answer i knoked again
"kooody its me"
i said, still no answer.
"I made pancakes~ "
i said teasingly
"alright come in"
kody responded. I opened the door and set the plate on the bed table. "Here you go" i said with a smile on my face. Kody grumbed as he miked up the fork and took a bite "YUM!" he said his eyes sparkling as he rushed to eat it. "Glad you like it" "eh its decent"he said "decent" i giggled "sayes the guy sho ate 3 pancakes in one second" i smiled "yeah ok ok its a little more than decen. Ok its relly good." he said as we both laughed. Kody suddenly stoped and had no expression.

Kody's POV

His pancakes are delish. I thout then i remembered what happened this morning. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I dident want to blush so i tries not to show emotion. "Is something wrong?" Lumine asked.
I dident respond. "If i made you mad for some reason tell me pls" he said.
"Why would i be mad at you" i said.
"Mabe cuz i made you fall on the floor." he answered after a few seconds. "N-no that was my fault for being clumsy. Sorry agen for falling on you." "why did you pull my arm befor?" lumine asked. "I-i" i studerd as my face tuned pink frome the thought of me falling on limine. "Promise you wont lagh is i tell you." "i wont"
"Ok... Um.. I...i-i just wanted you toooooooo" i thout of an excuse cuz i dident want to tell him i wanted him to stay. "To get paper for my blood." i answerd after thinking. "Oh. Ok" lumine said with a smile

"Well i should take your plate downstairs." lumine said. "If you need anything just call me k" he said as he lest my room with the plate in his hands.

Wow that was close. I-i. I think i like him.... NO thats imposible mabe i just like him as a friend. Yeah.. Thats it. I thought as i rememberd lumin's eyes when i fell on him. My face turned red as i shook my head to forget it.

I fell asleep thinking of lumine.

He filled my thoughts as i drifted of.

"Hay there stranger"
I heird someone say

" are you awake?"

I smiled as i saw some one next to me in bed.

"I love you kody"
He giggled

"I love you too limine"
I said as i huged him his back now facing me.

kody x LumineWhere stories live. Discover now