cinnamon roll p2

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//updated it a little//

Kody's POV

He looks so cute when he blushes hard.
I just wanna. I was stoped by Lumine saying "K-Kody what are you doing"
i just froze then i kept going, crawling twords him. Until i felt his lips on mine. I slid my cold hand up Lumin's shirt
i heard a moan come frome Lumine i was shocked but didden't wast the opertunity to slide my toung in. It became a passionate kiss, as my toung explored the inside of the shy boy's mouth, then i realized what i was doing and pulled back. I saw Luimin's face in shock, he was burning red. I got up and ran tword my room and locked to door. I still felt the wormth of his lips still printed on mine. What did i just do. He'll hate me for not asking permission first. What if he dosen't feel the same way i do? What if he never wants to talk to me agin! I thought as i sobed in my pillow.

Lumin's POV

Did that JUST heppen?! I touched my lips where kody's soft lips wormed mine. My eyes began to sparkle with joy knowing he felt the same way a hoped on my bed, but thats when it hit me. what if he ranaway because he regretted the kiss?
What if he relly dosent feel the same way? I fell asleep thinking of what just happened.

I heard

"Lumine, im so sorry"

"Lumine, im sorry, its ok if you hate me"

"Why would i hate you" i said

"Because i kissed you"
He sobed

"But i thought you wouldent feel the same way?"

"No i like you lumine"

I asked
kody noded. Then i said.

"I like you too kody"

I woke up

Was that a dream?


I rushed to kodys room "kody?"

I said.

He was about to open his door too.

He blushed but turned to looked away

I did too. Cuz i was also blushing

"Umm..." kody hummed

"Umm......." i dident know what to say.

"Did you have a weird dream?"
We both asked at the same time.

Both our faces looking shocked

"Come in" kody said

374 words

kody x LumineWhere stories live. Discover now