is this real

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Lumine timidly said.
"N-no its ok"
"you can hold o to me as much as you want" i said.

Lumine's POV

Why is my heart beating so fast? Why do i feel this way? Why do i feel like i can hold onto him for eternity?
Why do i feel so good? Why?

I kept holding onto him. The movie started to end and i was ready to fall asleep in Kody's arms. And i did.

I heard i familiar voice said

I felt wormth around me.

"Do you love me?" the voice said.

"Of course i do"
I responded

"Good" the voice said

"Then say it" he siaid

"I love you kody" i blushiny said accepting his request

I felt something soft hit my lips.

"I love you too Lumine"

Kody's POV

Omg he fell asleep in my arms. Hes so damn cute. What did i just say?
Do i relly like Lumine. Do i like him more than a friend? Idk. I cuddled with lumine and i fell asleep.

(This is the same dream, but in Kody's P.O.V)

I called Lumine who was next to me

I huged him

"Do you love me?" i asked him

"Of course i do"
He said


"Then say it" i said

"I love you kody" he responded

That made me blush, I wanted to kiss Lumine so bad, so i did. His lips are so soft.

"I love you too Lumine" i said

Still kody's POV

I opened my eyes to finde Lumine sleeping next to me.
I turned red. He lookes so cute as he was sleeping. A poked him to make sure he was sleeping, he was. i huged him. He huges me back. Omg

Lumine's POV

I felt something poke me. I ignored it.
Then i felt some thing worm hug me.
I slightly opened my eyes to see Kody huging me. I figured if he thinks im asleep he won't mind. So i dug my head into his chest.
So worm, I could do this all day.

I heard a bang on the door. I ignored it. Then i heard
i quickly got up pretending a was woken up.

It was Aiden.

He was just standing there. His mouth open wide. I saw kody next to me he looked at me, our eyes met. We both blushed, we scooted away frome eachother. Sherry walked in "whats wong A-"
she saw us then silver joined
"whats all thi-"
he said befor his jaw droped
"We watched a movie ok"
kody said
"I fell asleep."
i said, just as quickly

All three of them just walked away.


We looked at eachother. i ran to my room. AHOLY SH*T did that just happen? Omg


475 words

kody x LumineWhere stories live. Discover now