idk if u will be able to read this

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I've tried to punlblish multiple times and like and reply to ur comments BUT I CANT 4 SOME REASON its feb-12-2019
I tryed to post the Chrismas one and im i tryed to upload the valentines one erly bur NOTHING HEPPENED in thought it published but NOPE but when i tryed to make it work *inhales deeply* IT DELETED ILTHE CHAPTERS *gets triggered* anyway i think its something with my phone idk. Hope this at least gets published.
Its feb 20 *gets triggered* i rewrote the chapters and tryed to post them but its not working, i've given up at this point. If anyone knows how to fix tgis PLZ TELL ME.
Hshwhabsjq its feb 23
This thing hasent posted. Im not going to continue the story, other than this problem i've been having, im in a new school, it gives double the work than my old one so i won't be able to have free time to continue.
Feb 20 um...  I haven't been able to post this jwjsjjbshwjwsow
But i think i might continue the story in summer ok DON'T GET TRIGGERED OK i've had to rewrite this 2 times, yes i kept the original dates that i first wrote it so that u know my struggle anyway

Love u 😭😭😭😭😭 see u in summer. (Possibly)

I think i might be able to publish this uwu

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