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Lumine's POV

We where verry close. i felt plesure as he touched my chest, i pulled him closer as the we continued to makeout. His hands where so gentle, i felt like i needed more of his touch. He tugged on my shirt signaling that he wanted it off, we only ever separated the kiss to breath, we broke the kiss panting, he helped me unbutten my shirt. Then he pushed me on to the bed.
He then took his shirt off, then put his hands on my chest, kissing his way down.
I've never felt this way befor... If feels so good. But it also feels wrong.
Then he reached my wast i moaned, i held the sheets in my hand with my other arm on my face. He looked at me then he kissed me, this time i let his toung in, i pushed him back. This feels wierd.

Kody's POV

"W-whats wrong?" i ask
"I feel wierd" he replied
"D-do you want me to stop?" i asked he noded. We got up our faces red.
"I-im not ready f-for this" lumine said then looked at me.

"O-ok..." i replyed."d-do you wanna watch a movie?" i asked.
"Sure" he agreed
So we watched a movie and cuddled,
We fell asleep, Lumine in my arms.

~~~~~time skip, cus they sleepin'~~~~~

I woke up to the smell of pancakes.
i hummed as i smelled the air. I got up, and went downstairs.
"Whats cookin' good lookin' "
i said with a smerk on my face. He turned around holding a plate of freshly made pancakes.
he said with a smile blushing fromwhat i said.
i said. He placed the plate infront of me and i poured the syrup. Oof i was having dirty thoughts as i remembered about earlier. He sat next to me and we began to eat.
"Oof, that was AMAZING!"
i told Lumine, he blushed
"i'm glad you liked it."
He looked at me with a smile. Our eyes met and we both flushed red, and looked away.
"Well we have to get going" he said
i wined. He got dressed and we headed for school.

***time skip to after school***

Still Kody's POV

I got out of class and met up with Lumine at the front of our school.
We started walking home. I reached for Lumin's hand once we where far enough from school. When our hands touched we looked at eachother then looked away.
This is the best day ever.
It started to rain so we went in some randome shop nearby, it was a bakery. We looked at all the delicious treats. Lumine was all over the place, he liked sweet things. I should make some macarons for him. I thought of the cute face he would make when he bites into one. I blushed, "hey Kody it stoped raining, you wanna head back?" Lumine said with a smile. "Wich of the sweets do you like?"i asked him. "Why do you ask?" he ASKED. "Just pick one" i answered him. "Ok, ok, i like... This one" he said pointing to a lemon merengue pie. " it looks good" he said. "I'll have one lemone merengue pie please." i told the lady at the counter. "I'll pay for it" lumine said. "No. No. No. What kind of boyfriend would i be if i let you pay?" i said Lumine blushed and covered his face. We walked out holding hands, almost everyone at the stor had their eyes on us. I kissed his forhead as we walked out.

When we got home lumine was in the fridge. "What are you doing?" i asked him. "Im going to cook of course." he said with his head still in the fridge.
"But arent you gunna eat the pie" i asked. "Yeah but you gotta balance out the sweetness."
"so, like how we balance eachother out"
I said. "What do you mean?" Lumine asked. "I'm the wole meal and you top everything off with your sweetness. My little macaron". I said WITH a smerk on my face and a lil wink. he blushed. "I-i guess so" he said with a red face.

"Hey"i asked. "Yeah" he responded.
"Befor we you do that can we.. Makeout?" i asked. His face turned red. " im guessing thats a yes" i spun him around, closed the fridge, grabed his wast, then put my lips on his. So soft. I licked the bottome of his lip to ask for permision, then slid my toung in. He let me explore the the now familiar mouth. I tightened my grip on his wast. We melted into the kiss. His hand gripping on my hair pulling me in, me felt the need to breath, we separated the kiss, a string of saliva cameout as we parted our lips. Both of us panting.

Ur gunna have to wate somemore hehehhe.

I might not be posting as much cuz school JUST started so idk...

Places u can stalk me on.

Insta: _yaoixbl_

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