lemon 💛👌😉

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3rd POV

( kody has protection ok)
Kody starred for a while at the beautie underneath him, then pinned both of Lumin's hands as he kissed down slOwly leaving Hickeys from Lumine's gaw all the way down to his wast band.
Lumine moaned and wiggled impatiently. Kody unbuttoned Lumine's pants. he looked at Lumine to make sure he was ok with going farther. Lumine looked at him with lustful eyes and noded telling Kody to keep going. Kody gently took Lumine's pants down then his own.
Lumine looked at Kody's big erection, Damn he's bigger than imagined Lumine thought to himself
Not realizing ge was staring,
" you like what u see?"
Kody said with a smerk, Lumine quickly looked away and blushed red,
"i guess but why don't you show me what you can do with that"
Lumine said seductively without even thinking, he put his hands on his mouth waiting to see what Kody would say.
Kody was shocked but the boy's seductive words turned him on more, considering that Lumine was so shy.
"Damn. You bet i Fucking will"

Kody said getting on top of Lumine.

"But let me have some fun first"
he said as he began to kissed the white haired boy under him. Kody put his hand on Lumine's erection. Lumine put one hand on Kody's hair pulling him closer, and the other hand squeezing his shoulder.
Kody put his other hand and pinned Lumines hands on top od the small boy's head to keep him from moving 

(keep in mind, they both have Nothing more than their boxers on)

Lumine was impatient and wanted skin to skin contact, Kody knew this cus Lumine keept squirming.
"P-please" Lumine pleded as they both panted from the makeout .
'Fuck, he's cute!' Kody thought
"please what?" The dark haired boy asked.
Lumine moved his head to a side seffusing to answer.
Kody got close to the boy's ear and asked again
"please what?"

Lumine couldn't handle all the teasing and decided he shouldn't hold back.
"I want you to..."
Kody whispered in the smaller boys ear.
"F-fuck me~"
Kody took Lumine's boxers and his own off, he held his fingers next to Lumine's mouth and told him to suck, Lumine did as he was told.
He put one finger in, Lumine was fine with that.
"Are you ok?" Kody asked
"I-it feels weird~"
"Is it ok if i put another one in?"
Lumine nodded
So he added in another finger and thrusted in and out, Lumine moaned to the rhythm of the thrusts. Holding on tightly to the sheets
Kody entered a third finger and let Lumine adjust.
"Damn Lumine your wet as fuck"
Lumine blushed.
"Im an omega"
"No fUck!" XD
kody said jokingly
Kody took his finger out, Lumine moaned at the empty feeling.
The tan boy aligned his member then trusted in slowly, entering inch by inch, Lumine moaned, Kody filled him up completely. once Lumine took his wole length he picked up the pase.
Thrusting in and out Lumine was amazed at how good it felt and wondered how kody was so good at this even for his first time, bOth of their first times.

Kody picked the small boy up by the thighs, his dick going deeper in Lumine. Lumine's eyes shot open and moaned with unimaginable pleasure. Kody pinned the boy to the wall and thrusted deeeeeeeeeeper.
Lumine moaned and mewled uncontrolable, bouncing up and down on the big cock under him.
"FUck yEs! MmMmmMmmMmMMM!! K-kOdy" lumine moaned
"Damn, you like that don't you~"
kody said seductively trying to get Lumine to talk dirty
"f-fUck yEs~!" Lumine moaned louder.
Kody loved the way Lumine cursed.
"Fuck, you look like you love my cock"
"Oh hEll yEs! I LOVE thAt big Ass  Mhhnn dick~!" lumine moaned.
"W-well shit Lumine, your a ...fucking cum slut"
"call me whAtever yOu w-wAnt!!"
That encouraged kody to thrust harder and deeeeeeep
"K-kody im close"
Lumine said as he came.
Once Kody saw the face Lumine had when he came, he looked like he was enjoying himself.
But kody wasen't done, he had fantesized about this moment for months, and he wanted to make those fantasies come true.

Lumine was starting to fall asleep.
Kody ramed into lumine to wake him up when his dick hit his prostate harder than comfortable.
Lumin opened his eyes.
"Im Not fucking done with you"
Kody whispered in the younger boys ear seductively

Lumine's hands now on the older boy's sholders as he fucked him senseless.
Kody was going deeper and deeper, hitting Lumine's core softly.
Lumine liked the fact that kodys dick filled him up so nicely
He moaned loudly throwing his head back.

Kody picked the small up again and put him on his desk.
Lumine lifted his leg up putting it ontop of kodys sholder.
Now he could hit spots that where waiting for their turn.
"A-AHHhH!~" Lumine moaned and squeezed his hands tighter on Kody's sholders.
Lumine felt like he was loosing his mind,
This wasn't like before, and Kody knew it.
"Oh~ i see, i found your sweet spot~" kody said seductively in the boys ear. That made shivers go down Lumine's spine
lumine arched his back and moaned louder than he was befor,
Kody positioned himself to hit that spot everytime.
Lumine was a moaning mess.
"Oh~ right t-thereEEE AhhhH"
"You like it don't you, kitten"
"Y-yesssSSS AHh"
Kody's pace was getting messy,
Lumine was also at his limit.
Kody pulled out and came on the smaller boy's chest
Lumine also came for a second time

"Sh-shit" kody grunted
He lifted lumine up and put him on the bed.

They both took a shower and fell asleep.

Do u like? XD
Sorry I've been busy with school, thanksgivig
Owo lov u all hipe u lOve the lemon 💛.

I Edited it so it was longer, hipe u like this extended version 😘❤
Edit to the edit, made it a lil more intresting
I edited it so it would be a bit better and fit into the story
Edited on 4/7/2020

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