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"YOu dO?" we both asked as we where behing huged by silver.
"Yes" is all that came out of silver befor he stoped hugung. "So... You do under stand?" kody asked (oh btw its lumine's POV) "yes,yes i do" silver replied me and kody looked at eachother in surprise. "See, i am bi" is what silver said ( btw i don't know if silver is relly bi im just adding it in ;) )
"You are" we both said at the same time. We bever relly gave silvers sexuality a tought, we never relly asked him eather, but that ment he has been with a guy, or at least likes one. "I know how you both feel and i know how hard it can be" he said.
"Besides ive been suspecting that something was going on between u 2" kody looked at me. Then we both looked back at silver. "You see i was
In a relation ship with a guy. It went well but we broke up because it was a long distance relationship that we couldent hold together because of that reson, a d because we where young and could probubly never get to meet in person." i diden't know how to respond to that. Im pritty sure Kody diden't eather. We just kinda sat stood there in silence, awkward silence non the less..... "So what are you doing here so soon?" Kody said breaking the silence. "Oh, they just diden't need me anymore and i was kinda in the way so i escorted myself out" Silver replied. "Oh" we both said in unison.
"Well now that i know that u guys r a thinnngg... How long was it a thing?" Silver askes. " the day u guys left.."
"Oh, ok" he said. Well im going to rest im pritty tired, so if u don't mind." Silver said pointing tword the door. Kody and i walked tword the door, as we where exeting we heard Silver whisper " the walls are thicccc enough so i won't hear eny thing if u 2 bang, ok so don't worry" once he finished saying that he closed his door. We looked at eachother and we both blushed, and laughed the awkward mood off.

We walked tword Kody's room.
We sat on his bed in silence. We still had to clean up frome yesterday. "I'll wash the sheets." i said. "Ok then I'll wash the clothes" Kody said looking at the mess we made. "By that you mean plop the cloths in the washing machine and wait" i said laughing. Kody laoughed along as well.

Kody colected all the dirty clothes and put it in his dirty cloths 'hamper' (or whatever u call it, im gust ginna call it a hamper) then he picked it up and walked tword his door and went down the stairs. I started tl pick up the sheets and the pillows and headed to the laundry room aswell. Once i made it there i saw Kody scrolling on his phone. I went up to him and surprised him with a kiss. He jumped a little. "Did i scear u?" i asked laughing. "Kinda" he said laughing wile he rubed the back of his neck.
"Hey Lumine" kody said, catching my attention. "Yeah?" i asked. "About what silver said." Kody said shyly. I blushed when i remembered what Silver said. Then i answerd "w-what about it?" i asked. "We never actualy did IT." he said as he started to get a little red, so did i. I looked at the floor not knkwing that to say. Well i wanted to say ' then we could do it now ' but i was too embarrassed. Is not time to be embarrassed. I thought to myself. So i told him exactly what i was thinking. "W-why d-don't we do it n-now" damnit i studered. Typical me. I was charry red now being embarrassed at what i just said. I covered my face with my hands waiting for Kody to respond. "Are you sure" Kody said.
"I-if its ok with y-you" i said still cover ing my burning face. "It is" i felt his hot breth on my neck. I looked up and jumped a little when i realized how close he was now, and how he was blushing.

Hey im nOt dead. I am in a better mental state then i was last time so i wrot this. I hole u enjoyed it, i had enough time and insparation to make it a little longer, I've gotten used to my new sleeping scedual so even on weekends i cabt2 stand staying up late. Well lov u alll. And pls comment. It rly maked my day.

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Insta: _yaoixbl_

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