red p2

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Lumine's POV

We where both panting.
I staired into his enchanting emerald eyes.
So beautiful
I thought
as i pushed a strand of his hair behind his ear so i could see his eyes better.
"You think so?"
kody said with a smerk
"W-what do you mean?" i said confused.
"You mean u don't know you said that out loud?" he answerd.
"I relly d-did?" i said looking away blushing.
Kody gently put his hand on my chin and gently turned my my face to his.
" i think your eyes are gorgeous" kody said. I suddenly feel happy.
I giggled,
"whats so funny?" he asked.
"Your so smooth" i laughed.
"Your such a dork" he said as he wrapped his arms around me for a hug,i nuzzle agenst his chest.
We stayed there for a moment. I patted his back
"ok ok i gotta cook now"
"nuuuu" kody wined.
i wined.
He grabed my wast and holded me up spining both of us
"Only if u give me a kiss!"
kody said
"ok ok just put me down!" i laughed.
He put me gently down on the floor, our foreheads got closer
"only for you" i whispered as out lips finaly met.

***time skip***

After we ate we went to kody's room to play vidio games.

Limine's POV

"Oof damn i keep dieing (Dying, i kept the misspelt version cus its funny )" i wined
( is dieing even a word?)

"Don't worry you'll get better, eventually" kody said laughing
I pushed pim playfully, then he pushed me, then i pushed him, then kody pushed me to the floor (we where sitting on the floor) he was ontop of me. "Whats up" he asked with a smerk " you are" i said with a smile. "Oh right" he said leaning in for a kiss " noo" i said, pushing his lips away. Kody looked at me confused. "Ur gunna have to ern it" i said playfully " damn you scared me" he laughed. "Ok then wut do i have to do to unlock the sacred kiss frome the magical wherewolf himself?" he asked playfully "idk, thats what ur gunna have to finde out" i said.
He both sat back up, kody thought for a good wile " i got it!" he shouted.

He ran downstairs "dont2 come downstairs its a surprise!" he shouted. I was curious as to what he was doing, but i continued to play vidiogames.

After i wile i was vored then i thout if he died for a moment cuz he was taking soooon long. Then i heard a knock on the door "lumine open the door and close ur eyes.!" he shluted frome down stairs. "Ok" i shouted back walking tword the door

I heard kody walk up the stairs, i clored my eyes then opened the door. "Open ur mouth" kody said "thats not how it w-" i was cut of by something sweet in my nouth.

Sorry it was short i relly wanted to have a cliffhanger!

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Insta: _yaoixbl_

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