lemon////also im nOt dead 👌

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3rd person POV

Limine was pined on the wall with both of Kody's arms on both of Lumines sides, thear forheads only an inch away, both where blushing. Lumine let out a small shreek realizing how close they where. They both steared (idk how to spell) at eachother intensively. Lumine relaxed his posture as he felt a pair hof warm soft lips touch his, kody's right hand cuped lumin's cheek and grased his lower lip with his toung asking for permission to enter Lumine's mouth. Lumine complied leting Kody's hot toung in, thear toungs sworelled around eachother, engaging in a wet kiss. As they started to melt into the kiss kody pus his hand. On lumin's waist, kody pulled away from the hot kiss, leaving both of them panting, thear forheads touched as the both locked in eye contact looking beep within one another, both thear eyes glisined with lust. "I'is this ok?" Kody maniged to say still out of breath from long kiss. Lumine replied with a nod. "Ok then." kody said picking lumine up by his thighs, lumine was shocked as he clung to kody's neck as if he where to fall. Kody opened the landry door as he locked lips with lumine in another wet kiss. Kody made his way up the stairs and into lumine's room( cus it was the closes t one) kody kicked the door open the pushed it hearing a click frome the door signaling the it closed. Lumine had no idea where kody was taking him, as he was to busy melting into the kiss and moaning as they went up the stairs cus kody's clothed erection touched Lumine's iner thigh with each step. Lumine only realised where they where when he heard kody kick his door open. Kody threw lumine on the bed separating them from the kiss. Kody locked Lumine's door then turned to look a lumine laying on the bed, legs spread, and hands on eather sid of him blushing. Damn kody thought as his erection became harder and made his pants uncomfortably tight,  his knee in the bed in between Lumine's legs a few inches away from the the his dick

Fuck. Im So Sorry i did some thing shitty and i had to fix it so i couldebt post or finish this but i promise next time i'll post a long one.
Insta: _yaoixbl_

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