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Context: Kody is on the couch downstairs with the TV still running and Lumine is in heat at rly wants Kody

3rd person?

"I-i can't"
"M-my body is moving on its own"

Lumine makes his way downstairs
He sees Kody on the couch sleeping (sitting)
He sits on Kody's lap
Lumine starts grinding on Kody

Lumine says out of breath
"Wha- LUMUNE WHAT ARE YOU d-doing?!"
"Please Kody, i can't take thus anymore. I NEED this"
"Lumine. *sighs* i can't, you know that"
"You can easily get pregnant, and you can't give consent. You have to stop"
Lumine rests his head on Kody's sholder still grinding
"Ahh~ please"
Kody gently pushes Lumine off of him
"I can go buy you some... Uhhh... Supplies? If you like"
(Hes referring to a dildo if u catch my drift)
"Kody, you don't u-understand. I need this NOW"
"Im sorry, i can't"
Kody scoops Lumine up and brings him to his bed
Kody cuddles with Lumine
Lumine grabs Kodys hand and puts it on his chest
"T-touch me~"
"I'll get you some stuff tmr, just wait till then"

Ok so, i didn't know how i could possibly Wright this without it being rape so this will have to do for now, sorry guys.
If you guys have any suggestions for future chapters i would be more than happy to read through them all <3
Sorry it was so short, didnt know what to do with the whole situation.
Written on 5/1/2020

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