idk wut 2 call thiz chapter

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((Updated)) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lumine's POV

When tasted something sweet in my mouth. "Bite"
i hear kody say.
I bit into it.
"Now open ur eyes"
i hear kody command, i obay. I see half a macoron in his hand then i start to chew "YUM"
"now can i have that kiss?"
kody asked
"only if u give me the other half!!!"
i say as he handes me the other half. As soon as he gave it to me, i gobble it all up
"you done??"
" "YEE"
i say with a happy smile on my face. Kody pushed me agenst the wall, one hand on my waste the other pinning both of my hands above my head. i squeal as his movements where unexpacted. I blush at the embarrassing noise i made. I look to the side. Kodys hand goes from my waste to my chin, pulling my head gantly to face him.
"Ur so cute~."
he whisperes seductively in my ear.
I feel a shiver go down my spine, as i start to blush a dark red. He starts to kiss my neck and bit/sucked the spot a little keaving a mark.
i moan
i can tell he is smerking at the noises i was making. He then nibbled on my ear
" your cute when you make noises".
I squealed, the way he talked to me turned me on. He turned my face to face his face (OOF) then he pressed his lips agenst mine. He then licked the bottom of my lip for permission, i denied his request.
"you don't deny me"
he said seductively into my ear as he pressed his lips back agenst mine, his hand slid frome my chin all the way down my shirt and under it until he reached my nipple, i moaned at his touch. He took advantage of this and slid his toung in.

The kiss was lustfull yet soft. He let my hands go. I put my hands on his hair as he slid the hand down my back and to the front of my pants. I was clearly exited. My dick was hard and i think he could tell. He started to palm he through my pants i moaned. His lips turned into a smerk and kept palming me. our lips separated, we where both panting, but he wasin't done he with me yet. Kody kept palming me each time harder and faster. I was a moaning mess and he new it. "P-please"
i moaned. He took the hint and slid his hand down my pants, he was now palming me but my boxers where still in the way. I wanted more my eyes where shut tight he then started to kiss me, this time i let his toung through. His hand was still on my nipples as he squeezss them gently to the rythem of his hand. I couldent take it, i wanted skin to skin contact! As if he read my mind, Kody slid his hand down my boxers. I had skin to skin contact i wanted. He was clearly exited too cuz i felt his hard dick rub agenst my thigh, i moaned. I was close, he stopped.
"W-what?" I said panting. Feeling uncomfortable with the loss of contact, especially when i was so close!!!

He carried me bridal style and threw me on my bed, took my pants and shirt off and threw them somewhere. Then took off his own, startes to kiss me frome my neck all the way down to my wast band.
"K-kodyyyy ahhhh"
i moaned his name. He put his lips on my dick still covered by my boxers
"mmmm k-kodyyhhh"
i pleaded. "
What do you want me to do?"
he asked, i was too embarrassed to say it.

He startes to lick my boxers i moaned i tried to pull his hair when he siddenly got his free hand and took both of my hands and pinned my to the bed. I kept squirming for his touch "p-pleaseaahhhh k-kodyyy ahhh"
i pleaded once more. He made eye contact with me
"please what?"
he asked again
. "D-dont make me s-sayy itt!"
i moaned.
"Say it kitten~" he said pulling down my boxers and throwing them somewhere.
"F-fuck me"
I moaned as my dick hit the cool air, he started to lick the dase all the way to the tip. i couldent handle it
"k-kody d-dont tease me ahh"
i moaned he then took my whole length in his mouth. I moaned with pleasure, he started to bob his head slowly.
i moaned
He hummed sending vibrations on my cock still in his mouth.
i said. He smerked then picked up the pase. "I-i'm cLoSE"
i said. Then he stoped
"on your knees"
he commanded, i obayed
"pull my boxers down"
he said i was about to pull them down with my hands when-
"you can't use ur hands"
he said i blushed then i used my teeth to pull them down my nose touching his hard dick. "Suck"
he said, i did as i was told. I sucked, pumping with my hands what i couldn't take i . He pulled his head back. He
Bit his lip trying to hide his moans.

I felt the pre-cum in my mouth then he pushed me on the bed.
"Damn it"
he said as he started to suck my dick. I felt plesure run through my body.
"K-kody im gunna- ahhhh~"
i tried to say but i had cum already.
He kissed me roughly his toung in my mouth. we ran out of air and pulled away from the kiss.
" ok then finish what you started"
he said as he was standing (knees on the bed) i cought my breath before i took his wole length in my mouth.
I almost gaged when i felt his dick hit the back if my throught
(idk how to spell send help)
i bobed my head up and down when kody suddenly grabed my hair and started to thrust in my mouth. I was running out of air. I squeezed Kody's
(originally"Jod's, if ur new u wont get the joke)
thighs to try and tell him that i neeeeeeded to bteath, he let go of my hair, i gasped for air. When i cought my breath i took Kodys dick in my mouth again. I could tell kody was close cus his dick started to twich. I felt a rush of warm sticky liquid fill my mouth when he fell to the bed. I swallowed the sticky substance as if it was routine. He looked at me as i rested my head on his chest. We diden't bother picking up as we where too worn out.

Oof. I might post anotherone today but idk. Tell me if u liked itt

Places u can stalk me on

Insta: _yaoixbl_

I edited this one 2 uwu r u proud of me???

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