im in... h-

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Lumine's POV

I can feel the soft sheets ontop of me.
But these wern't my sheets.

I felt i light breth on my neck.
'Omfg, i remember now.
Im in kody's room!'

His arm is wraped around my waist, i've always wanted this.

I feel hot
Soo~ hott..~
I feel dizy and f-flustered?
My thighs feel hot.

"Mnnn~ too hot"

My ass feels uncomfortable
I need-
I need-

No i can't do this again, what if he doesent want to.
Omg i can feel his dick pressing up agenst my ass cheek....

Ugh, my mind feels so...
I can't think straight
I-i can only think abt kody's....

Kod's dick..

*licks lips*

I feel super uncomfortable and hot and ughhh.



3rd person

Kody waking up to lumin's squirming.

"Why are you moving so much?~"

"I-i feel h-hot~"



"I-i think im in..."



Ok so auther-senpai here, ik, ik, im not the best at posting....

But do u want to see kody as a rly hot seme that helps Lumine with his sexual needs next chapter or a rly supportive bf that helps Lumine through his heat, without getting sexual.

If i know u yaoi hungry bitches i know u'll pick numero uno (number one) (choice number one)
*insert lenny face*

Hope my grammers better this time. ❤

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