day 2 of aden not at home.

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Kody's POV

I started to wakeup when i suddenly felt something rub agenst my croch.
I felt hot, then i openes my eyes, and saw lumin's leg rubing agenst my croch, then i heard lumine say my name.... Fuck... It turned me on...
Soooo my dick was hard and presing agenst his leg... Fuck. At this point i was having verrry varrrrrry dirty thoughts....

Then he lulled me in by the wast and hugged me. Now our faces where verry close.
"Lumin..." i slowly said
Lumine slowly olened his eyes, "yes.." he answerd. "Umm..." i said, looking at his leg rubing agenst my croch, he looked at his leg then turned pink.
"S-sorry kody" he said as he pulled his leg out, i let out a light moan at the fiction his leg created between his leg and my croch as he removed it.
I quickly covered my mouth and turned pink, he looked at me, his face turned into a smerk as i looked at his lustful eyes. Did that turn him on? I thout, looked like he was ready to rape me right now. That turned me on. We looked at eachother with lustful eyes.

"HI GUYS!" we
Heard someone shout.

'fuck' we both thought.

We looked at the door, there stood silver. His gaw droped to the floor once he realized the scene he had witnessed.
"Did i interupt something" he asked.
We stayed in silence.
"I'll be in my room" silver said leaving .

"Holy shit" we both said.
We looked at eachother, then lumine got up " im gunna take a shower" he said his head looking at the floor as he slrinted tword the bathroom.

Sorry this was short i just wanted u guys 2 know im still alive
Lots of things are happening soo.
I might bot post 4 a wile but idk.

Places u can stalk me on:

Insta: _yaoixbl_

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