when we met

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Lumi e's POV

I walked out of Kody's room to wash the dishes. Kody has been acting weird today, he's been sorda out of character.  I thought to myself. When i finished i was headed to my room to play some vidio games. When i passed Kody's room i heard him whisper my name. I blushed i ran to my room a dug head in my pillow.   Why do i feel this way when im near or think of him.

****timeskip to a few hours later****

Still Lumin's POV

I was playing a new vidio game Kody showed me last week. I got bored so i thought it was late enough so i crawled on my bed. I've been thinking of Kody all day.
I drifted off while thinking of Kody's emerald eyes.

As i opened my eyes i saw kody next to me in bed. I blushed.

"Hay there stranger."
I said.

"Are you awake?"
I asked.

"I love you Kody."
I said now realizing what i said.
I gighles at the smile he had.
I turned around.

"I love you too Lumine"
I blushed as a heard lumine say those words. He huged me.

I woke up and felt the bed sheets to finde kody nowhere in sight.

"I guess it was just a dream" i sighed as i whispered those words befor a looked at the clock. "Omg its 12:30am" why did i wake up? I only slept 3 hours? I walked over to Kody's room to check on him. I went over to his bed my face now facing his.

Kody's POV

I woke up. Guess it was just a dream.
I blushed at the thought of Lumine in my arms. I closed my eyes to try and fall asleep. I felt a hot breth on my face i slowly opened my eyes to see
i shouted. The small boy fell.
"K-kody umm..."
he mumbled
"W-what are you doing in my room?"
i asked all flustered, remembering how close Lumines face was to mine. They looked so soft.i thought of his soft lips so close to mine.

"I-im s-sorry Kody i just wanted to check on y-you."
he said hiding his face. I blushed
"w-well im fine"
i said
"Do you wanna stay and watch a movie here?"
i asked the boy still on the ground.
"U-um ok"
he said. I patted the space next to me on the bed signaling him no sit next to me. He crawled next to me then I turned my tv on "what do you wanna watch"
"Idk what do you wanna watch?"
he asked.
"Umm. How about a horror movie?"
i suggested smiling.
he timidly said.
"don't laugh but i get scared when i watch horror movies."
he said a little red of embarrassment.
"Its ok i'll me here with you."
i said caringly.
"O-ok then"
He said still a little pink. I smerked then played the horror movie.
As the jump scare aproched Lumine holded onto me tightly. He burried his head in my neck. I blushed HE'S BASICLY HUGING ME OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I was turning red. "S-sorry"
Lumin timidly said

539 words

kody x LumineWhere stories live. Discover now