ii. The Accords

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' She's the kinda girl with an attitude so savage, but a heart made of gold. '

Carter sat beside Pietro on the couch watching the news report on the Lagos incident from the month before.

The Avengers had been waiting for the real backlash to come, knowing that one mistake would end badly for them all. 

"Eleven Wakandan's where among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of Mercenaries in Lagos Nigeria last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandan's were on an out reach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred." 

Carter sighed as she tried to reach for the remote to turn of the Tv, failing as Pietro moved it further away wanting to know what was said.

"Our peoples blood is spilled of foreign soil," The King of Wakanda spoke "Not only the cause of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them."

Carter felt Pietro take her hand in his from his spot perched on the chair arm, both of them taking that hit personally.

"Victory at the expense of the innocent, is no victory at all." He finished as Carter finally got the remote from Pietro and shut off the Tv.

"I don't like this." She decided.

"I know Milovať," Pietro replied as he kissed the crown of her head "But it comes with the job." He sighed.

"It shouldn't though," Carter stressed as she stood up "After all the good the Avengers have done for the world, one accident sends them all into overdrive! Before you know it they'll be at the door with pitchforks and torches. Pitchforks and Torches!"

"Hey, hey, Calm down Milovať, everything will be alright as long as you are by my side." He smiled as he stood up and took a hold of her hand.

"Where are we going?" Carter laughed as Pietro began to drag her from the room.

"To make Brownies, I've been wanting them all day." He laughed his reply.


Sitting on the kitchen counter eating from the bowl of left over brownie mix, Carter laughed as Pietro almost slipped on an egg shell, drawing his attention back to her.

"Do not laugh at me Anjel." Pietro pouted causing Carter to smile "It was you who dropped it in the first place." He smirked.

"I told you I can't cook." She said around the cooking spoon in her mouth.

"Give me that, you will get sick if you eat raw egg." Pietro laughed, trying to take the spoon from her after he took away the bowl.

"No," Carter laughed, jumping down from the side and trying to slip past Pietro unsuccessfully "Damn it." She grinned, turning and kissing her boyfriend before wiping her chocolate covered cheek on his own.

The shocked look on his face was enough to send her into another round of hysterics as Pietro wiped the batter off his face and tasted it.

"Hmm," He hummed "Almost as sweet as you." He smirked as Carter raised an eyebrow at him "Now come give me some sugar Miláčik." 

Carter laughed as Pietro sped over to her, kissing her passionately as the two failed to notice the new arrivals.

"Maximoff step away from my Daughter." Tony's voice warned suddenly as Carter jumped back, licking the chocolate residue from her lips as Pietro took three steps back.

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