v. Bucky Barnes

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' She was a storm, not the kind you run from but the kind you chase. '

Travelling was all the three did for a few days, heading to and from places as they followed up different leads on Bucky's whereabouts.

Eventually they ended up in Bucharest Romania, a place Carter was lucky she knew the language for as they were easily able to manoeuvre around the city, searching under Bucky's fake names and alleged sightings from around the area before finding the apartment he was staying in.

Carter was sat on the rooftop, eating an apple from the market as she swung her legs back and forth, waiting for her instructions when they may or may not come.

"Heads up Captain," Sam began as Carter stood up and caught sight of what Sam was seeing "Special German forces approaching from the south." He warned.

"Understood." Steve replied absently, after that she could hear faint talking as she assumed Bucky had returned home.

"They've set the perimeter." Sam informed as Carter double checked her weapons.

Two throwing knifes in her right boot and seven Chinese ring knifes strapped to her right thigh along with two BC-41 knuckleduster daggers strapped to her left hip contrasting with the three Gerber mark II fighting knifes on her right hip.

Clearing her throat and cracking her neck and knuckles Carter prepared for whatever may happen next.

"They're entering the building." Sam continued.

"Should I take 'em?" Carter asked as she readied to attack.

"No! No not yet." Steve quickly objected before talking lower to Bucky again. 

"They're on the roof I'm compromised, Carter move before they see you." Sam instructed as Carter stepped off the roof, hovering a few feet lower and standing herself on protruding edges in the buildings cracked exterior.

"I'm good." She told them after getting herself comfortably situated against the wall, awaiting further command.

"Five seconds." Sam warned "Three seconds." He frantically told them "Breach! Breach! Breach!" He shouted as Carter pushed off from her spot, moving to a better spot back on the roof where she knew she'd be of better assistance.

She could hear the grunts and shouts from the lower levels as Steve tried to calm down Bucky, it did nothing to calm her nerves though as she picked out one of her ring knifes and spun it around her finger, wanting to intervene but knowing it could possibly make things worse as she put the knife back.

As she watched someone of Bucky's height and stature launch themselves from one of the windows in her building Carter swooped down and made sure to grip the back of his shirt as she helped him land safely, quickly flying up again when he turned to hit her before she was tossed out of the sky by someone in a cat suit.

Screaming slightly before she landed harshly on the ground, Carter groaned as she stood up painfully "Today is just not my day, but is any day really?" She mumbled to herself throughtfully.

"Girl shut up and get your ass up here." Sam complained through the coms causing Carter to glare up at the sky.

"Shut up." She mumbled as she pushed herself up off the ground and cracked her wing back into place as she took a second to let it heal. 

"Sam south west rooftop." Steve told him as he saw the Falcon fly just above where Carter had been tossed.

"Who the hells the other guy?" Sam asked impatiently.

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