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' She saw him fracture into rainbow colors through the prism of her love. '

To anybody looking out on the scene as the cool London breeze blew by, the woman just turned twenty one would look almost normal.

Her contrasting shoulder length Brown hair framed her face perfectly as the light from the streetlamps glinted in her deep brown eyes, it casted a Kaleidoscope like view to anyone near enough to see the fire in the girls eyes, the one that burned brighter than the moon at night as she made her way home.

The Woman, Carter Stark, had been wanted for many years now, hiding from her past and building herself a future on the premises of a lie.

As she made it to a blue door in a not too shabby neighbourhood Carter entered, peeling off her jacket and tossing it on the back of the couch before switching on the lights.

The place was rather divine, simple yet sweet and entirely homely. Nothing to little but nothing to much. Just the way she liked it.

Well, her and Pietro of course.

The two had travelled constantly for a good two years before they decided to begin extending their stays in different countries. 

Two months, one week, fours days. That was how long the two had been living in London for. Carter worked part time at the Pub around the corner on Tuesdays and Fridays, indulging in the normality of life.

Pietro on the other hand had taken to teaching self defence classes three nights a week, three weeks a month.

Every other day was spent together, travelling and sight seeing, enjoying the magnificent capitol that was London England.

That night was seemingly no different, Pietro left at three thirty for his first class whilst Carter left at five, the two knowing their paths wouldn't cross that night as Pietro had been booked until ten thirty that night.

When he returned home at eleven, hungry and ready for bed, Carter had ordered take out for them both, knowing there was no point in cooking as she'd just burn it all anyway.

"I do adore this Chinese food you know, but it will never beat that meal we had in Beijing." Pietro sighed around a mouthful of food, thinking back to the mouthwatering meal they'd had at one particular restaurant on their trip.

It was a shame they'd only been able to stay for four days, it having still been early on in their travels and the both of them having to constantly look over their shoulder in fear of being recognised would often kill the mood.

It had taken them a long time to finally begin enjoying their experiences, travelling the world together and not having to worry about anything for a while.

"Nothing could beat it." Carter nodded her head in agreement as she took another bite of her spring roll.

After eating, the two sat down to watch a movie and go over their next travel plans before calling it a night seeing as it was past one in the morning. 

Laying in bed with her head on Pietro's chest Carter let out a soft sigh, neither of them wanting to bring it up but both of them knowing they'd have too.

"We've overstayed our welcome Pietro." Carter smiled sadly as she looked up at her long term boyfriend.

One choice they'd both made after deciding they could stay in one place for longer intervals of time was that they would never stay more than two months, that was the moving deadline. 

Looking down at his girlfriend Pietro ran a hand gently through her hair "I know Moja Láska." He sat up slightly as Carter turned and switched on the bedside lamp, the glare of the light causing them both to shield their eyes briefly.

"Tomorrow?" Carter questioned as she scooted closer to him.

"Tomorrow." Pietro nodded as she rested her head on his shoulder. 

"Where to next?" Carter wondered aloud as she looked up at the wall ahead of them where a black and white map of the world was hastily taped, many of the countries having been coloured in making it look a lot more appealing.

"What about Copenhagen Denmark?" Pietro suggested as he pointed to one of the smaller white spaces on the map "I hear they have good Chinese food." He licked his lips causing Carter to laugh as she pulled back to look at him, smiling at the sight.

His untamed curly brown hair gave him a rustic modern look whilst his slightly stubbled beard and moustache helped him blend. The only thing that would forever remind Carter of his Quicksilver days and his shockingly white hair was his unmistakably bright crystal blue eyes.

"Your staring again Miláčik." Pietro smirked as Carter rolled her eyes, leaning over to shut of the lamp before laying back down with him contently.

"Denmark sounds good." She nodded against his chest as the two began to slip into the land of dreams, not ready for what the morning would bring.


As Carter and Pietro busied themselves with packing, they had the news on in the background, hoping to hear about an open flight that they could catch as soon as possible whilst they both called in concerning their jobs and quit.

As Carter ran upstairs to grab the map from their bedroom wall she made sure that they'd picked up all they'd need, the both of them had long since gotten used to not taking much with them and always carrying light.

Once she was satisfied Carter hopped down the steps, ready to move on to their next adventure with a smile on her face as she rolled the map up in her hands and tied it with a rubber band.

What she hadn't expected to see was Pietro sat with a sad look on his face over by the couch, holding the Tv remote as he raised the volume and motioned Carter over.

Looking at the small screen Carter frowned at the headline and the image that was being shown; TONY STARK MISSING AFTER ALIEN ATTACK YESTERDAY IN NEW YORK.

"Infamously known as Iron Man the Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist Tony Stark, has been missing ever since yesterday afternoons supposed alien attack in upstate New York. The well known current owner of Stark industries and previous Avenger was recently married to long term girlfriend Pepper Potts before disappearing without a trace early last night. Many have began speculating on Alien abduction and -- "

Before the report could carry on Pietro switched off the Tv and pulled Carter closer to him "You know what this means right?" He asked her calmly.

"We have to go back." Carter nodded.


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