i. Lagos

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' She was flawed, so perfectly flawed, so endlessly flawed. '

Carter Stark stood on the rooftop of one of the buildings in Lagos, her wings kept hidden behind her as she took in the city.

Her eyes were glowing a brilliant red, an ultraviolet vision technique she'd found out about not long after the battle against Ultron.

She was listening to the conversations of her friends and colleagues below as she scouted the area for any signs of trouble.

"Sam, Carter," Steve addressed the pair "You see that garbage truck."

"How can you miss it, looks like someone let little Miss Piggy into the liquor cabinet again." Carter smirked at her own joke.

Steve sighed "Tag it." He told Sam as Carter let her eyes adjust and return to normal, feeling a fight coming on.

"Give me X-ray." Sam told his little Falcon machine "Yeah that trucks loaded for max weight, the drivers armed." He informed them as Carter let her wings slowly unfold.

"Its a battering ram." Natasha mumbled.

"Go now." Steve sternly told them all as Carter stepped off the side of the building, heading straight for the truck.

"Why?" Wanda asked as she and Pietro slowly stood up.

"He's not hitting the police." Steve warned.

Having made it just behind the truck as the driver rolled out, Carter swooped in front of it and grabbed the two men who were close to being crushed and moved them.

After that she took to the sky again, groaning as two yellow vans skidded around the corner and entered the compound, armed men instantly exiting the backs and taking fire.

"Two trucks, four wheelers, one had entered the main lot and the other is just outside the gate. Five men have opened fire on the outside and I can't catch sight of those on the inside" Carter quickly informed as she awaited instructions.

"Get as many civilians as you can out of that building!" Steve demanded as Carter swooped around back, smashing through one of the larger windows and instantly choking on the smell of gas.

"Smoke canisters are everywhere, don't take them lightly." Carter coughed back as she started lifting people up, getting them out of the building and moving them a safe distance away.

"Body Armour, AR15's and I make seven Hostiles." Steve told them.

"I make five." Sam challenged as he finished beating some guys up.

"Pietro." Carter heard Wanda request as she began removing the third and fourth civilians."

"Four." Pietro countered.

"Rumlows on the third floor!" Sam told them as Carter reentered the building.

"I'm on it." She told them, retracting her wings and making her way to the stairs quickly.

"Wanda, just like we practised." Steve instructed as Carter got to the third floor, ducking as she knew Steve was about to come through the window.

"What about the gas?" Wanda asked.

"Get it out." Steve instructed right before he came crashing threw the window, Carter catching his arm to hold him up right as he almost fell onto her.

"Careful!" Pietro called "That's my girlfriend." He warned playfully.

Steve grunted as he punched one of the masked men back, pushing them closer to Carter who quickly pulled up the gas mask he was wearing and laughed at the wheezing noise he made.

Steve gave her a look before kicking the guy in the gut, sending him flying across the room and knocking him unconscious.

"What," Carter shrugged "Some people's pain is funny." She snorted.

"Miláčik," Pietro warned "What did we talk about?" He grunted as he knocked a guy out.

"No slapping Vision?" Carter guessed stupidly as she heard Pietro laugh whilst he and Steve kept moving through the third floor taking out all of the masked men on the way as Wanda removed the gas "Shit." She cursed as they found the empty case.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon." Steve quickly informed the others.

"I'm on it." Natasha replied over the roar of an engine.

As the pair made it to a balcony, Carter took to the air, realising too late that Rumlow shot a grenade at them as she was thrown across the lot, falling twenty feet to the ground.

"Sam," Steve groaned "He's in an AFB heading north." he told him.

Carter groaned as she rolled off of her back and onto all fours, coughing from the blast as a gust of wind blew her hair up.

"You okay Princezná?" Pietro checked as he helped her up, looking over her worriedly before deducing it was just the impact of the fall that had affected her.

"I've got Six they're splitting up." Sam informed them.

"Never better." She grinned, spitting out blood from where she'd bit her tongue before spreading her wings out again "Want a ride?" Carter questioned.

"My ways faster Miláčik." He smirked before lifting her up, rushing them both to the town centre where they began fighting off two of the Rumlow's guys instantly.

"I've got the two on the left." Natasha told them.

"We're on the back road with two more." Pietro informed everyone.

"He ditched the gear," Steve told them "It's a shell game now, one of 'em has the payload."

"He doesn't have it." Sam worried "I'm empty."

Carter quickly searched the two she and Pietro had been fighting, coming up empty and shaking her head at the white haired man "So are we." Pietro told the others.

"Payload secure," Natasha breathed as both Carter and Pietro relaxed "Thanks Sam."

"Don't thank me." Sam smirked.

"I'm not thanking that thing." Natasha deadpanned, presumably looking at Sam's 'Redwing'.

"His name is Redwing." Sam informed.

"How original." Carter teased.

"I'm still not thanking him." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"He's cute, go ahead pet him." Sam teased causing Carter to snort.

An explosion cut them all off as Pietro pulled Carter closer to him, the pair watching in horror as one of Wanda's orbs set the building alight.

"Sam," Steve gasped "We need fire and rescue. Carter -- "

"I'm on it." Carter hurried, breaking free from Pietro's grasp and flying up into the quickly burning floors of the building to get the most at risk people out as fast as possible.

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