vi. Planning

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' She acts like summer and walks like rain. '

After her heartfelt talk with Tony, Carter walked back out to Sam and Steve with a small smile on her face, informing them that everything was okay... for her.

As she and Sam began talking about meanless things Tony took Steve off for a talk, leaving the two behind as they began playing Mercy. Carter winning the majority due to her enhanced strength and reflexes.

The two ended up sat at the conference table in the room behind Tony and the Government officials sent to evaluate Bucky whilst Steve stood and watched the screens from the glass wall.

Carter, with the help of her enhanced hearing, was able to hear everything as Sharon walked in and handed them the receipts for their Gear and Weapons.

"Bird costume?" Sam asked incredulously.

"I didn't write it." Sharon defended herself before putting the screen up in the conference room so that Steve could hear what was going on.

The questions continued as Bucky occasionally answered short and simple, his replied usually being to contradict what the man was saying

"Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?" Steve questioned as he looked around, dropping the newspaper with the sighting of Bucky at the UN bombing on the table.

"Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can." Sharon shrugged unsurely.

"Didn't you say that Bucky said he wasn't even there?" Carter asked causing Steve to nod.

"Exactly." He pointed out "It's a good way to flush a guy outta hiding, set off a bomb get your picture taken. You've got seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier." 

"You think someone framed him to find him." Sharon realised.

"Steve we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing." Sam reminded him.

"We didn't bomb the UN." Steve was quick to point out "That turns a lot of heads." 

Sharon ground her teeth "Yes but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get to him it guarantees we would." She told them.

After saying that they all took  moment to realise something was wrong as a tingling feeling spread throughout Carter's spine, her wings itching to be set free.

"Yeah..." Steve muttered as they all set their sights on Bucky and the man, Carter standing so that she was ready for anything.

Everything suddenly went dark, the offices being plunged into reboot as Ross paced about "Come on guys get me eyes on Barnes." He commanded.

Carter and Steve looked at Sharon "Sub level five on the east wing." She told them before they all set off out the door, quickly heading down to try and get to Bucky before something could happen.

As they made it through the halls, following a trail of unconscious or possibly dead bodies the feeling in Carters spine grew, her wings begging to be freed as she faught to keep them at bay.

"Please." The man who was testing Bucky whimpered as Steve marched over to him.

"Get up." The blonde demanded before slamming him into the wall "Who are you and what do you want?" Steve lowly asked.

"To see an empire fall." The guy whispered back right as Sam and Carter walked through the door, having Bucky come out of seemingly nowhere as he slammed his metal fist into the side of the latters head, sending her to the ground in a daze.

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