iii. Confrontation

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' She' the kind of girl who climbed the ladder of success wrong by wrong. '

Sitting in the common room amongst the rest of the Avengers, Carter sat on the floor with her back against the yellow futon her father was layed across, both of them already bored of the fighting.

Rhodes was verbally stating that he wanted to sign as Sam fought back, refusing as he didn't want to give up his rights.

Vision was on the side of what was logical and right, which evidently meant he would sign.

"Carter, Tony, your both being uncharacteristically non hyper-verbal." Natasha pointed out as Carter cracked open one eye, side glancing the Assassin before she let her eyes shut again.

"It's because they've already made up their mind, and for once they don't agree." Steve pointed out.

"Boy you know me so well," Tony drily spoke as he sat up, Carter opening her eyes to watch as he winced and held the back of his head "Actually I'm nursing an electromagnetic headache. That's whats going on Cap, it's just pain and its discomfort." He said as he made his way to the kitchen "Who's putting coffee grounds in the disposal?"

Carter sighed as she pushed herself up and sat on the futon, knowing by both Tony and Steve's tones that this wouldn't end well.

"Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang," Tony paused, pulling a hologram from his pocket and setting it up to show the image of a young black man smiling back at them.

Carter could feel the guilt growing inside of her as she recognised the man as one of the civilians who'd been on the ground trying to help in Lagos.

"Oh that's Charles Spencer by the way, he's a great kid. Computer engineering degree, three point six GPA, had a floor level gig Intel plan for the fall, but first he wanted to put a few miles on the soul before he parked it behind a desk, see the world, maybe be of service." He stopped again as he set down his mug.

Carter looked up and met Pietro's eyes, giving him a short nod to tell him she was okay before looking back at her father.

"Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lateraled which is what i would do, he didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor, guess where? Sokovia!" He snapped causing Carter to look down in shame, it was her duty to save people with her abilities as the others protected and faught. 

With her strength and abilities she should have learnt by then how to get people out faster, and sure, she saved over sixty two people that day before fire and rescue had arrived, but it would never be enough.

"He wanted to make a difference I suppose, I mean we won't know because we dropped a building on him when we were kicking ass." Tony told them bitterly as Carter had the urge to snap back, wanting to protect her honour although she had no room too.

The sudden urge to light a cigarette and walk away sparked in Carter as she bit down harshly on her tongue, keeping her words to herself for now.

"There's no decision making process here." Tony crossed his arms "We need to be put in check," He decided "Whatever form that takes I'm game, if we can't accept limitations we're boundryless, we're no better than the bad guys." He breathed.

"Tony," Steve spoke up "Someone dies on your watch you don't give up." 

"Who says we're giving up?" Tony replied.

"We are for not taking responsibility for our actions, this document just shifts the blame." Steve sighed.

 "I'm sorry Steve, that -- that is dangerously arrogant." Rhody jumped in "This is the united nations we're talking about, its not the world security council, it's not Shield its not Hydra -- "

"No, but its run by people with agendas and agendas change..." Carter began to phase out after that. 

She stared blankly at the wooden floor beneath her feet. She had no idea what to do and she knew it wouldn't just end quickly, she could feel a fight coming on, but it wasn't like any of those she'd been involved in before. 

This was between all the people in the world she cared personally about, and they were falling apart right in front of her.

She didn't return to the conversation until everyone had left, Pietro and Wanda going off to discuss together as Vision took his mind off things and everyone else dispersed.

It was already dark by the time Carter realised she had been sitting in the same position alone for hours, staring at the ground intensely.

Pushing herself up, Carter walked into the kitchen and opened the second draw on the right, by the fridge, pulling out the packet of cigarettes and a lighter before she walked outside and onto the balcony. 

Running her fingers over her chapped lips Carter looked out over the compound, sighing as she sat on the edge of the walkway and let her legs hang over the side. 

She took out one of the cancerous sticks and brought it too her mouth, lighting it quickly as she breathed in the toxic fumes, taking pleasure in the burn in caused briefly throughout her lungs.

"You'll die before you reach twenty if you smoke those." Natasha's voice spoke up from behind her. 

"I'll die before I'm twenty just from being a Stark." Carter rolled her eyes in reply.

"True." Natasha sighed as she sat beside her.

They sat in silence for a minute before Natasha spoke up again.

"You know watching you grow up has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life." She said casually as she took the cigarette from Carter and put it out.

Carter huffed in reply "You've known me for three years Nat." She shook her head.

"Three great years," Natasha nudged her with a small smile "And you've changed so much." She hugged her from the side as Carter returned the gesture, both of them sitting with their arms around one another.

"Oh yeah, I don't still laugh at stupid things or hide every detail of my life, real progress." She sarcastically grinned causing Natasha to laugh.

"I think the first thing you said to me was 'Kinky, Sorry I'm not really into bondage.'" This sent both women into a fit of laughter as they held each other close.

"I'm not gonna sign Nat." Carter sobered up suddenly as she looked to the woman beside her.

"I know Sweetie, I know." Natasha replied before looking over her shoulder "So does he." She nodded as Carter turned, seeing her father standing and watching the pair as Natasha stood up, kissing the younger girl on the crown of her head before taking the cigarettes and lighter hostage.

"I'm sorry." Carter sniffled slightly before looking out over the compound again.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about kid." Tony groaned as he sat beside Carter on the edge of the walkway "Other than choosing to sit here." He chuckled causing Carter to laugh as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You know this means we're gonna but heads right?" Carter sighed as Tony pulled her closer.

"We wont, we'll just let the others hash it out and talk back to the others, never each other though okay?" Tony compromised holding out his pinky finger.

"Okay." Carter relented as she linked her pinky with his.

"Promise." Tony pulled back to look at her slightly.

"Promise." She repeated.

"I love you Kiddo." Tony mumbled lovingly as it began to rain lightly.

"I love you too Dad." Carter smiled as the two sat in the rain, becoming soaked before they eventually made their way inside together to watch a film, just like old times.

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