x. Goodbye's

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' She was born to be free, let her run wild in her own way and you will never lose her. '

Making her way quickly across the back strip of road towards the Avengers compound, Carter Stark took out the Agents who were stationed on that sector, seeing the signal mere moments later to tell her that Pietro had successfully done the same with the others.

As they met up at the now unguarded entrance Carter let herself in, instructing Pietro to stay outside and keep watch as not to cause any issues with unwanted guests.

Listening out for any inside men or woman Carter took a moment to thank the fact many of them had been sent out in search of the escapees, including herself. 

Taking off down the south wing stairwell Carter entered the Gym, stopping just outside as she spotted Tony sitting on a chair eating a hamburger and fries as Rhodes used the physiotherapy walker to move himself along, reteaching himself to walk.

Taking a deep breath Carter opened the door and walked in, grabbing both men's attention as Tony shot up from his seat and Rhodey froze in place.

"What are you -- ?" Tony breathed out as he approached her, hastily bringing his daughter into a hug and kissing her on the forehead before he continued "You shouldn't -- You can't be here Angel, they'll lock you up again." He worried.

"Don't worry, I dealt with it." She smiled innocently as they pulled back.

"Of course you did." Rhodes chuckled as Carter looked over at him.

"Hey Nasul." Carter smiled as she walked over to him, pulling the older man into a one armed hug as Tony helped hold him up.

"Still don't know what that means." Rhodey laughed causing Carter to smile.

"I can't stay long, if anyone shows up they're gonna realise somethings wrong." Carter sighed as the smile slipped from her face.

"Then why'd you risk it kiddo?" Tony asked as he slung an arm over her shoulder and pulled her into his side.

"Your my Dad, I couldn't leave without saying Goodbye." She smiled sadly.

"But it's not Goodbye." Rhodey denied lightly.

"Yeah, It's just -- " Tony sighed "A see you later... for now." He looked down at her.

They all smiled at each other sadly for a moment before Tony spoke up again.

"So what's the plan Kid? You got any idea where your headed? You need cash?" He rambled, beginning to reach into his back pocket.

"No," Carter stopped him with a smile "I don't need money, not right now. And as of two hours ago I'm a wanted woman, so me and Pietro are gonna travel around for a while, see everywhere we've ever wanted too." She told them.

"That sounds good." Rhodey smiled at her encouragingly.

"Yeah," Carter nodded "We'll be around every so often, We've had a few invites here and there and I can't leave you guys here unattended for too long." She smirked as Tony bumped his hip with hers.

"Don't push your luck just yet kiddo, until you walk out that door your still mine." Tony hugged her close.

"So for another seven minutes?" She snorted causing Rhodey to chuckle.

"Just keep yourself safe alright?" Tony worried "Don't do anything I would do." He warned playfully as the three laughed, Rhodey moving slowly to sit on one of the nearby chairs.

"Deal," Carted nodded thoughtfully "As long as -- "

The two men groaned causing Carter to laugh.

"As long as you," She nodded over to Rhodey "Get yourself up and moving again by the time I return," She told him as the older man nodded in turn with a slight smile "And you," She nudged Tony "You've gotta go get Pepper back." 

"Carter I -- "

"No," She denied "You will go and find that women, you will tell her you love her and only then will I return for the wedding." Carter smiled.

"When did you get so grown up?" Tony smiled sadly down at his daughter.

"When you taught me how to be." She hugged him, never wanting to let go but knowing soon they would need to part ways.

"Awe," Rhodey cooed "How sweet." He mocked the pair as they both rolled their eyes at him.

"So where are you off to first?" Tony asked once they were all settled down on the uncomfortable plastic chairs.

"We're thinking somewhere far away, you know. Maybe Madrid or Rome for starters, indulging in the culture and learning to blend in for a while." She told them.

"Smart." Rhodey nodded.

"Yeah." Carter agreed.

"What's the overall plan then, where are you travelling too?" He asked.

"The European Capitol cities maybe," She nodded "America's too much of a risk now, if we came back it would only be for a few days or in very secluded parts of the country." Carter told them.

"What about other places around the world? Outside of Europe and America?" Tony wondered aloud.

"Those are on the list too." She nodded.

"Your going to be okay right?" Tony checked as he looked down at his side where his daughter was curled up against him.

"I will, yeah, if anything goes wrong we have a few choices at quick getaway." Carter told them vaguely.

"I'm gonna miss you." Tony whispered as he kissed the crown of her head.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Carter replied as tears began to well up in her eyes, knowing that this may be the last time for a long time that she would see her father.

"Miláčik," Pietro spoke softly from the doorway at the father and daughter duo turned to him "It's time to go." He told her gently.

Throwing herself back into her fathers arms Carter held him close, not wanting to let go as Tony held her back with just as much passion.

"I love you Kiddo." Tony sniffed as he pulled back, standing slowly as he let Carter and Rhodey hug quickly before kissing the top of her head again, not taking her back in his arms as he feared he'd never let go.

"I love you too Dad." Carter cried as a few stray tears fell down her cheeks, walking over to Pietro and taking his outstretched hand before she looked back at her father again, smiling sadly before the pair disappeared in a blur of blue light.

..... TO BE CONTINUED .....

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