viii. Fight

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' She believed she could so she did. '

Regrouping on the way to the Jet, Carter found herself at the front of the group just behind Steve, her wings were folded behind her back evenly as they all ran to get to the hanger first, Pietro at her side as he kept pace with them all.

Halfway there thought they had to come to a stop as Vision appeared and burnt a hole through the concrete.

"Captain Rogers," He began formally "I know you believe what your doing is right," He stated as Tony and Natasha stopped in front of them "But for the collective good, you must surrender now." Vision informed them all as Rhodey, T'challa and Spiderman arrived.

"What do we do Cap?" Sam asked as Carter began to spread her wings.

"We fight." He told them before everyone began walking towards one another, eventually running as they all met in the middle, a fight ensuing as Pietro ran circles around them all, helping Wanda primarily as Carter teamed up with Bucky, fighting of T'challa.

She grabbed the prince by his shoulders, lifting him up harshly before throwing him back down on Bucky's fist, a loud bang echoing at the collision between the two vibranium objects.

Before she could react Carter was thrown back by a force and landed painfully on her back, she looked up and glared at Vision as he stared down at her indifferently.

"I do not wish to harm you Miss Stark." He began, holding his hands up in surrender as Redwing zapped him from behind, knocking him to the ground as Carter walked up to him slowly.

"Tell that to the Accords that would have my wings wrapped and tied until I was given permission to use them." She glared before opening her mouth and letting out a short scream, Vision momentarily disorientated as she flew up to look for her next victim.

Finding Spiderman dragging Steve along using his webbing Carter flew down when his back was turned to her, slamming her feet into his back and sending him across the lot and crashing through the side of a truck.

Before long he was back up again, fighting Steve as Carter made her way back to Bucky's side "I don't need a babysitter." The Soldier grunted as he hit Rhodey, Carter grabbing the War Machine's arm and chucking him across the lot before she turned back to reply.

"I know," She nodded "Think of me as a friend, who's repaying a favour by keeping you alive." She smirked at him as Bucky rolled his eyes.

As Steve joined them Carter pushed Bucky out of the way as another attack from T'challa came at them, he and Steve stayed hidden as Carter began fighting the prince off.

"You will regret this one day." T'challa told her snidely.

"Oh trust me, there are a lot of things in life I regret," Carter grunted as she dodged a hit from T'challa, pulling out two knifes and throwing them at the Prince in vulnerable spots on his suit "But this ain't one of them."

As they continued back and forth Carter got the upper hand quite literally as she flew up with T'challa in her grip, tossing him up into the air with as much force as she could.

"Let's see if cat's really do always land on their feet." She smirked.

As the Prince met the ground and landed on all fours, Pietro ran around him, knocking him off his feet and punching him in the gut to keep him down for a moment.

In retaliation, T'challa pounced and sliced at Pietro's neck with his claws, ripping into the white haired male and leaving a considerably large four claw cut across his neck and chest.

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