ix. Locked Up

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' She was strange and dangerous, but mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless. '

After being transferred across seas to the Prison, Carter and the rest of Cap's team had been securely locked up on their own maximum security level. Extra precautions had been taken for some of them including Carter.

The Eighteen year old had titanium metal plates securely strapped to her back in order to restrain her and her wings. After refusing to let them out again in fear of what they might do, Carter had settled on knowing she at least had control over them if she needed.

Her cell on the other hand was specially made, a reverberating poly-form glass was installed to caution that she wouldn't scream and break free. Instead if she was to scream Carter would likely temporarily deafen herself and possibly put her in a paralysed state.

She considered herself lucky really, Wanda had been put in a straight jacket and Pietro was confined to a wall, his ankles being cuffed to keep him from running.

Hearing the doors open Carter sighed again, she had refused to eat, drink or sleep since arriving, scared of what might happen if she did.

What she hadn't expected was to look up and see her father as Clint clapped sarcastically along to his entrance "The futurist ladies and Gentlemen, the futurist is here!" He falsely cheered "He see's all." Clint jested "He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not."

Tony approached Clint's cell, his face unreadable as he began talking "Give me a break Barton, I had no idea they'd put you in here," He motioned "Come on."

Clint spat "Yeah well you knew they'd put us somewhere Tony."

"Yeah but not some super-max floating ocean poky... you know this place is for maniacs this isn't a place for..." Tony hesitated.

"Criminals?" Clint supplied bitterly "Criminals Tony, I think that's the word your looking for? Right?" He tested "It didn't use to mean me or Sam or Wanda... Carter." He pushed as Tony glared at him "But here we are."

"Because you broke the law." Tony protested.

"Yeah." Clint nodded.

"I didn't make you." The Billionaire pointed out as Clint began to childishly chant "You read it you broke it, Alright, your all grown up, got a wife and kids. I don't understand why you didn't think about them before you chose the wrong side." Tony suddenly snapped.

Clint stood up as he glared at Tony who began to walk away "Better watch your back with this guy," Clint warned as he slammed his hands against the barrier "There's a chance he's gonna break it."

"Hank Pym always said you never can trust a Stark." Scott mumbled as Tony passed him, sending an apologetic look over to Carter who only rolled her eyes in reply.

"Who are you?" Tony asked.

"Come on man." Scott walked back into his cell as Tony approached Sam and Carters cells that were beside one another.

"How's Rhodes?" Sam asked at the same time as Carter.

"How's Rhodey?" Carter asked at the same time as Sam.

"They're flying him to Columbia medical tomorrow so, fingers crossed." Tony breathed out as Sam shook his head "What do you need, they feed you yet?" Tony checked on them both as his gaze lingered on Carters rigid form, the metal plates making her feel constantly uncomfortable.

"Your the good cop now?" Sam scoffed as Carter slid down the back wall of her cell against the door, watching the look on her fathers face as he spoke to Sam.

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