iv. Meetings

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' She is beautiful and terrifying at the same time, like nature itself. '

The next day as Carter assumed was very awkward. For starters Pietro had found out about her smoking, Tony had decided that the best thing for them would be to ignore her and Steve, Sam and Nat were leaving for Peggy's funeral before the latter would be on her way to Vienna for the united Nations conference with Carter.

The youngest Avenger had been requested to attend in order to represent the next generation of heroes for the United Nations officials, none of them being informed that Carter may or may not sign.

Carter travelled alone in one of her fathers private jets with a few Shield agents at the ready, having been publicly introduced to the world a couple of months after the battle against Ultron meant that people knew who she was, including Tony's enemies.

 Arriving at the United Nations conference Carter was greeted by flashing lights and questions being fired at her in all different languages by reporters and civilians.

Although she was advised not to answer anything curiosity got the best of the young women as she smiled at the cameras and gave them a short wave, kindly answering a few short questions on her way to the entrance.

"Carter! Carter! Ποιος είναι ο στόχος σας ενώ συμμετέχετε σε αυτή τη συνάντηση?" One reporter questioned in Greek.

"Σκοπεύω να μάθω τι θα κάνω αν υπογράψω τα ακορντεόν." Carter replied clearly as she smiled politely at the middle aged women.

"Doamna Stark! Te vezi apt pentru a reprezenta tineretul a eroului de mâine?" A younger looking Romanian man pushed forward as Carter got to the entrance, opening the glass door before turning back to answer.

"Eu fac, fiind un tânăr "erou" eu însumi, cred că experienţa mea este suficient de mare pentru a împărtăşi şi de a inspira pe alţii să îmbrăţişeze cine sunt şi pas înainte de a utiliza aceste abilităţi într-o încercare de a ajuta pe cei care nu sunt în măsură să se ajute." Carter smiled before entering the building and closing the door behind her, quieting down the chatter outside as she made her way to the elevator.

When she arrived on the correct floor Carter was met by Natasha who was quick to hug the younger girl before both were approached by a woman requesting they both signed their names on an attendance sheet.

"Excuse me Miss Romonoff? Miss Stark? I just need your signatures." She handed them a clipboard and pen as both women signed of, smiling at the woman as she walked away "Thank you."

"So how's Steve?" Carter asked the Assassin as they stood awaiting further instructions.

"Obviously distraught, Peggy Carter was the first women he ever loved and now she's gone, just like that." Natasha sighed, feeling sorry for the man who's love had been so unkindly torn away from him.

"'Suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight." A thick African voice spoke from behind the two as they turned to face the Prince of Wakanda.

"Well," Natasha began "It's not always so flattering." She pointed out with a kind smile.

"You both seem to be doing alright so far." T'challa pointed out as he looked meaningfully at Carter.

"One of the few perks of being a Stark I suppose." The dark haired teen offered simply.

He looked back at Natasha after getting the other woman's reply "Considering your last trip to capitol hill, I wouldn't think either of you would be particularly comfortable in this company." He wondered aloud as the red heads face dropped slightly.

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