Book 4

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Hey Guys!

It's Meg. I have yet again finished another instalment in the Carter Stark series, She's The Girl When Is now officially complete and the Fourth book has been published!

As I have previously stated this is still an indefinite series and I will not end Carter's story until I see it fit for my OC goddess to have a worthy ending.

That means there is always the possibility of this story going on longer than Infinity War and becoming a 4+ Book Saga but we will have to wait and see!

So back to it, the fourth book is called,

She's The Girl Where. || Avengers. [4]

The fourth book is now back on track and ready for you to read!

I hope you guys are still enjoying reading and if so please Vote, Comment and just keep reading if you want to see how Carter's story pans out!

Thanks again!

-   M E G   Xx

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