vii. Reunited

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' She's strong but she's exhausted. '

Sitting in the getaway car beside Bucky, Carter waited until Steve had exited the vehicle before moving her head between the centre console and offering her hand to Sam.

"100 bucks says they kiss." She smirked causing Sam to scoff.

"Your on." He slapped her open palm to seal the deal as Bucky looked between the pair incredulously.

"I'm not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car." Sharon sighed as Steve met her at the boot of her car.

"It's low profile." Steve pointed out.

"Good," She muttered "Because this stuff tends to draw a crowd." Sharon said as she opened her boot, revealing all of their Gear and Weapons.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked Sam bitterly as Carter held back a laugh.

"No." Sam stonily replied.

"I owe you again." Steve casually told Sharon.

She nodded in reply "I'm keeping a list." 

Bucky nudged Carter causing the younger girl to roll her eyes as she crawled into the front seat, letting Bucky take the spot in the middle.

"You know he kinda tried to kill me." Sharon jested as she nodded over to Bucky.

"Sorry," Steve sighed "I'll put it on the list too." 

"Was that flirting?" Carter narrowed her eyes "Please tell me I did not just witness Steve Grant Rogers trying and failing to flirt." She scoffed.

"Wasn't your form of flirting getting shot multiple times in the back?" Sam tested as he raised his eyebrows at the dark haired girl.

"Fuck you Wilson." She mumbled out in reply as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"They're gonna come looking for you." Steve told Sharon, dampening the mood instantly.

"I know." She nodded.

"Thank you Sharon." Steve told her sincerely as all three of the occupants in the car leaned forwards slightly, watching the two share a moment of intense eye contact.

Before any of them could react Steve stepped forwards and pulled her into a passionate kiss, the two taking longer than needed to share their intimate moment before they pulled apart. Sharon left with a smile to get in the car as Steve looked back at them all with a smile, the three smiling along with him tauntingly causing him to roll his eyes.


When they had all their things and arrived at the designated destination, Carter couldn't help but smile as she clambered over Bucky's lap to get out of the car, throwing herself into Clint's open arms.

"Ken Doll!" She cheered childishly.

"Cap," Clint greeted "Angel." He smiled at the young girl in his arms before giving her a kiss on the cheek "Someone's here to see you." He smirked, nudging her away from him slightly as her eyes met a pair of contrasting crystal blue ones.

"Pietro." She breathed as he sped over to her, looking her over quickly for any injuries before pulling her into his arms lovingly "I'm sorry -- " Carter began to say.

"Nothing to be sorry about Princezná." Pietro smiled down at her adoringly.

"I missed you." She told him.

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