Chapter Five: Nightmares at Neverland

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*Princes POV*

*A Week Later*

I still couldn't get over that kiss with Michael. I know he probably hates me now, that's why I haven't talked to him since the kiss. Why did it feel so right? If he wasn't drunk, why did he let me kiss him? Ugh I'm so confused! Instead of letting my attention dwell on Michael, I let it dwell on two birds chirping to one another. Two love birds... Why can't Michael and I be like that. I got up from one of the lawn chairs I was sitting in to take a walk around Paisley Park. My heels clicked on the cobblestone path, frightening a squirrel that was on the path. Wow, I did a good job on designing Paisley Park. It really is- My thoughts on the beauty of my home were interrupted by a maid calling my name.

"Mr. Nelson! Mr. Nelson! Where are you? You're needed inside!" She shouted.

"What?!" I yelled from across the lawn.

"Someone's on the phone, wanting to talk to you! She shouted. Ughhh, I don't want to talk to anyone.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled, walking across the lawn to my house. The maid held the door open for me.

"Thanks." I said.

"You're very welcome sir." She responded. I walked over to a different maid who was on the phone with the 'mystery person'. I took the phone from her, just wanting to get this call over with.

"Hello?!" I imededently knew who the person was, Michael.

"Glitter gloves, why are you calling me?" I asked.

"Say sorry to the nice lady first." Michael said, stubbornly.

"Just tell me why you wanted to call me?" I said, starting to get impatient.

"No, Princess. Apologize to the nice lady, she was nice and kept me company while I was waiting for you." He explained.

"Uh fine." I said. I looked over at the maid, who wore a pissed expresion.

"Sorry, I took the phone from you." I said, sourly.

"Ya' happy now, Glitter gloves." I said, into the receiver.

"Yes, now to what I wanted to talk about, Princess." Michael chorled.

"Ok." I said.

"Do you wanna come over to Neverland? And spend a few days there?" He inquired.

"Why?" I asked, stubbornly.

"To hang out....." He said "And I was lonely." He quietly added.

"Well, why can't you come over to Paisley Park?" I pondered.

"Because, I don't like flying. And I'm pretty sure you own a private jet." Michael expressed. I don't want to make him uncomfortable, do I? No, I don't, more than I've already have. With the kiss and all.

"Fine I'll come over." I briefed.

*Time Skip*

*Michaels POV*

My anxiety is through the roof right now. We haven't spoke since the kiss, I'm really trying not to scream right now. I pace around on the front porch at Neverland, occasionally stealing glances at the road in front of my house. What if he doesn't come? What if things are awkward? The front door opens and a staff member, Marcy, comes out with a worried expression on her face.

"What is it?! Is he still coming?!" I interrogated.

"Everything's fine Mr. Jackson, I'm worried about you." She explained.

"I'm fine Marcy, just anxious." I said.

"No Michael, you're breaking into a nervous sweat and you're very pale." She made eye contact with me, raising her eyebrows.

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