Chapter Eleven: Nintendo 64

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Marcy hasn't been able to come and see me, she fears that if she gets sick, it might harm the baby. But some how she still checks on me every 10 minutes it feels like.

One week later

Michael's POV

I sat in my bed reading a small book, I sniffed every few seconds, my runny noise was getting the best of me. My sickness, the flu, hasn't gotten any better since the doctors vist, it's actually becoming worse. I'm starting to get concerned. The knocking on the door shook me from my thoughts. Mr. Adole strolled into my room, carrying my lunch and a drink.

Behind the half-opened door stood Marcy, keeping a watchful eye on me. She gets so paranoid with my eating habits, it's fine honestly. I made eye contact with her, she gave me a stern glare. Ugh. Mr. Adole handed me the plate and drink, I took it. He walked out of the room, but Marcy was still watching me. I set down the drink and ate one bite of the sandwich.

She closed the door, I heard her walk away. I quickly set the plate down and laid down. I stared at the celieing, contemplating my family.
What do they think of me? Do they still love me? Who's with me? Who's against me? Why, just why? They all probably hate me by now, every last one of them. A tear started to run down my cheek.

I still haven't talked to anyone, not even Janet. I know she probably wants to kill me. She's tried calling around, I dunno, 50 times in the last week. But In just ignore each one, I don't want to deal with her, I don't want to deal with anyone. I tried to take a deep breath but my breathing was restricted, ah one of the worst things that happenes when you have the flu.

Should I finally call Janet....Ugh, but I don't want to. Prince! I have not called you since before I was sick. I'll call Janet later. I sat up and picked up the phone that sat beside my bed. I diled Prince's number and waited a bit. After around three rings a maid picked up.

"Who's this?" She questioned, in a bored tone, I could hear her chewing gum on the other line.

"It's Michael Jackson, I want to speak to Prince." I answered.

"Hold on a second...." She handed the phone over to Prince.

"Hello," he didn't wait for my response, "why the hell haven't you called me?!" This'll take some explaining.

"I have the flu and some family problems." I sniffed.

"Oh." Prince stated.

"Can I come to paisley park? I need to get away from shit pile that is my family life." I groaned.

"Um, profanity. No, you said you were sick, and weather up here is nasty, it would n make even more sick." He explained.

I sighed, "I don't like this long distance thing, I just want to cuddle with you."

"I don't like it either, I wish we could live together. The public wouldn't bother us, we could have a nice family." Prince complained. Prince wants to have a family with me! Oh how wonderful, we would have a cute family! What a shame our children couldn't be related to both of us.

"Well, I have to skidattle." I croaked.

"Bye, love you, Glitter Gloves." Prince responded.

"Bye, love you too, Princess." I said, hanging up the phone. Now I have to call.....Janet. I diled Janet, reluctantly. She picked up imedently.

"WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU CALLED ME, DIPSHIT?!?!?!?" Janet screamed in my ear. Oh god.

"Calm down." I gasped.

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