Chapter Ten: If It Aches You Have To Rub It

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Michael POV

I woke up to my clothes from last night sticking to me, but I was still cold. I shivered a bit and rubbed my eyes. My mouth opened wide almost letting a yawn out but instead a coughing fit came out. Ugh, I feel terrible. I took a deep breath, expecting it to be easy, but my airways were blocked. I sniffed my nose, I better not be sick.

I lazily rolled off my bed and tredded over to my closet. I shuffled through my large assortment of clothes, I grabbed whatever felt the softest and warmest. What sat in my arms was a sweatshirt, white t-shirt, and Pj pants. I walked over to the bathroom and entered. I set my clothes down on the counter, and then stripped myself. I turned on the shower, checking every few seconds to see if the water was warm enough.

Eventually the water was warm enough, I stepped in letting the refreshing water cascade down my body. It was planet for a few minutes before I started to feel horrible again. My nose was stuffed up, my body ached, my throat felt like crap. A headache pounded on my head, I finished up the shower quickly, with a coughing fit here and there. I started to feel dizzy, no no no.

I stepped out of the shower, the cold air slapping me in the face. I rushed over to my clothes and changed in a snap of a finger. I brushed my hair thourghly, I set the best down and staired into the mirror. New white patches had shown up on my face. It can't be getting worse, can it? I huffed and glanced away from the mirror, fearing that I would find more patches. I turned out of the bathroom and headed out of my room to the kitchen.

I needed to take my temperature, just walking to the kitchen made me light headed. I sat down at the kitchen island. Do I have a thermometer? No. I decided that I would ask Marcy to take it but my eyes traveled over to the note on the counter. It's a note from her. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Michael,

I need to take an off day, so I can go to the doctor. It's a ultrasound for the baby, if I get any sonograms, I'll give you one. Have a nice day!

P.S. Are you okay? You came in crying, and I had to stay late last night to finish up some things, I overheard you tossing and turning last night. We can talk if you want, I want to make sure your ok.

See you soon,

Ah shoot, if she can't take it, then who is? We can talk later if that what she wants. I don't feel that comfortable around any other of the staff members except for her, so there off limits. I'm pretty sure I need a doctor also, I feel even worse than just a few minutes ago. Possible people to take me to the doctor? Umm, Janet? No I'm still mad at her. Mother? No, I don't know what side she's on. Lisa? Ugh no. Prince? Definitely not, he lives in Minnisota. Mac? No he's a kid. Elisabeth? Yeah! She doesn't live that far away, and she'll do anything for me.

I stood up from my spot and steadied myself. A cough wanted to come up but I forced it back down. I diled Liz's number, after a few rings she picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Liz questioned.

"It's M-Michael." I said hoarsly, my voice! What the hell happened?

"Michael?! What happened?!" Liz said, concerned.

"I need you to take my temperature, I think I might be sick." I managed to get out. I held the phone away from my ear.

"Might!? Might!? Michael you sound terrible! Just terrible! I'm coming right over!" She exclaimed. I hung up the phone and groaned. My ears hurt and my head hurts, ahhh. I traveled over to the couch and flopped down. I sniffed my nose repeatedly and coughed. I buried my head into the pillow on the couch. I hate being sick. My eyes started to droop, no, no, I can't fall asleep I have to wait for Elizabeth. I yawned and that was it, I fell asleep.

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