Chapter Twenty-one: Little Red Corvette

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Prince's POV

October 16th, 1993

The heavy phonebook sat on my lap. I fell back farther on the couch, getting comfortable with the book. I scanned the pages for interesting places. A few places here and tgen would catch my eye, nothing worth going too though.

Someone entered the room from behind me, they sat on the back of the couch. I turned around, Michael smiled and looked down at the monstrous book on me.

He leaned over my shoulder, "what are ya' lookin' at?" I flipped the page again, continuing to search the small print.

"Things to do." I stated, I picked up my pen and clicked it so it would produce ink. I glided over the page and found what I was looking for, I circled it.

Michael murmured what I encircled, "bowling alley."

"Bowling alley huh?" He asked, picking up the pen and tapping his chin.

"Maybe, I'm not sure." I started to flip the page again, not satisfied with what I chose. He stopped my hand, he left the original page flutter back down to its place.

"What about this one?" He underlined Moonlight Drive In, the phone number and address. The address was two towns over. Hopefully the drive wasn't to long, incase we agreed to go there. I had been to a drive in once, when I was young. From what I remember it was exciting. All the cars lined up in long rows, children laughing and giggling as they played together before the movie started. The large screen lit the night sky up and when it ended, stars covered the sky.

"That sounds fun." I smiled, as I reminisced old memories.

"It does, doesn't it." Michael set the pen down, deciding that he was done making decisions.

"Do you want to go?" I questioned, closing the thick book.

"Of course, lets call first, just to make sure an entertaining movie's playing and not something dumb." He got up off the couch, walking to the kitchen where the phone was perched on the wall.

I caught up to him, "wait, wait. Who's gonna make the call?"

I folded my arms and waited patiently for a reply, "I can do it." He replied.

"Wouldn't they recognize your voice, it is one of the most notable voice in history." I challenged. He gave me a look.

"Who said it had to be my voice." Michael argued.

"Show me your new voice." I said, getting impatient. He cleared his throat and collected himself.

He sputtered out the most impressive British accent I've ever heard, "Here we go, 'ello Prince, nice wehtha we're haven' todahy."

(I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I'm just going off how two British YouTubers and Roger Taylor speak.)

"Wow." I heaved, my arms fell to my sides in defeat.

"Can I make the call now that I've validated myself?" He pondered, taking the phone off the hook. I nodded and he put it up to his ear.

"Speakerphone." Michael rolled his eyes and did as I said.

"What's the number." His hand hovered over the keys.

"Oh shit." I ran to the couch and back, grabbing the book.

I placed the massive thing on the counter and flipped to the page with the drive in was listed.

"###-###-####." He pressed the numbers as I read them off. The phone rang for a good minute until an older lady picked up.

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