Chapter Twenty: Ice Ice Baby

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September 20th, 1993

Prince's POV

I stood in the kitchen minding my own business. The counters had just been cleaned, I was inspecting them just to be sure.

Clara entered the kitchen, swinging her hips side to side. She had a seductive look on her face. She but her lip and walked over to me. She winked her long eyelashes. I smiled, trying to ignore her. Maybe this is normal behavior? I tried to convince myself that this was normal, but I slowly came to the realization that Michael was right, she is flirting with me.

Clara went behind me, her hand grazed over my back side. Holy!

"Woah! What the hell?!" I screamed, swatting her away.

"I didn't do anything, what are you talking about?" She said innocently. Has Michael been seeing this side of her? The side I didn't see? Gosh, I feel so bad.

My anger returned, "Clara, you touched me! What the hell is wrong with you?! You're fired!"

"What?! I'm fired?! Is this because of your little boyfriend?!" Clara sneered.

"Shut up! He was right! You are a terrible person; get out!" She flipped me off and ran out of the house. I called for another staff member, one hurried into the room.

"Go make her sign a non-discloser agreement, I don't want her revealing anything to anyone." I ordered, the staff member dashed after Clara. Now I need to find Michael.

I searched the house top to bottom, I reached the door to one of the guest bedrooms. I knocked and a quiet hello greeted me.

He sat on the bed flipping through a book from a bookshelf not to far from his bed. Michael glanced up at me, sadness in his doe eyes.

"What do you want from me?" He asked, his voice shaking. I disregarded his question and ran to him. I enveloped Michael in the largest bed I've ever given anyone and a small peck on the cheek.

He pushed, loathing now the only emotion in his eyes.

"Excuse m-"

"I'm so sorry, you're right!" I interrupted.

He eyed me, "what are you talking about?!"

"She is after me, I fired her!" I exclaimed.

"Clara?" Michael frowned, closing his book.

"Yes!! Michael!! Yes!!" I clapped my hands together in celebration, the little brat was gone. He grinned and bear hugged me.

The hug crushed me bones, I'm pretty sure he was crying. He pulled away and I tried kissing him once more. But to no avail, I failed again.

"Why not a kiss?" I questioned, disappointed.

"I'm still mad at you." He explained, shrugging.

"Why, I fired her?!" I furrowed my brows together.

"Yes you did," Michael sighed, "but you hurt me badly."

"I'm sorry though!" I groaned; I just want everything to go back to normal!

"I know Princess." He opened the book once again, scanning the pages for his place. I scowled and sulked out of the room, letting out a growl of distaine after I exited the room.

"I love you!" Michael said from behind the door.

"I love you too!" I grunted in response.


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