Chapter Twenty-three: Halloween

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October 31st, 1993

Michael's POV

The mid-afternoon sun shown through the large windows of dinning room, lighting up the majority of the room. Prince stood on the opposite side of the long dinning room, Bush was tailoring his vampire suit. His make-up has been completed prior to me, Karen Faye was currently applying large amounts of pancake make-up to my face. I tried to hold in a sneeze as Karen glared at me to keep still.

Marcy had invited us to her house for a small Halloween party with her friends and family. She had provided masks to keep Prince and I's identity. The two blood red masks sat on the table, we had requested two white masks so they would match but this time of year compromised us to only the color red.

Prince looked at me from across the room, pleading with his eyes. He had been standing there for the last 20 minutes getting his costume tailored. He shifted on his feet, Bush glared at him.

I made conversation with Karen, mostly about how excited I was about trick or treating.

"Oh my gosh Karen, I cant wait to get candy!" I smiled, adjusting my hat in the small mirror she had set on the table. Karen laughed at my silliness as she continued to put the colorful make-up on.

"Would people even give you candy? They might think you're a pesky teenager." Prince interjected.

"I won't look like a teen, would a teen have such a nice outfit, huh?" I said, gesturing to my green suit. He opened up his mouth to insinuate me.

"And, Marcy's sister, Joyce's kid Kaylee will be there, so I'll look like a nice friend or parent just tagging along to get some candy for themselves." I said slyly.

"Damn, you really had this thought out. Didn't you?" He asked.

"I did-"

"Stop moving Michael. I need to do your hair." Karen interrupted, sparing my hair with a wash out orange dye. Prince strolled over to me with his man in hand after Bush had finally let him go.

"So, what are we going to do at he party?" He questioned, fiddling with the mask.

"Hanging out with people I know?" I responded more as a question than an answer.

"Are you sure?" He chuckled.

"Ugh, no. I wanted to spend the evening with you and not at this stupid party." I groaned.

"We can still hang out, just in secret. Like we've been doing for the last few months." Prince compromised.

"Okay, but when we come home...we can..." I blushed as Prince snickered at my bashfulness.

"Oh both of you be quiet." Bush shouted from across the room.

"I don't want to hear that stuff." Karen quipped, finished off my make-up.

She grabbed both of attentions by snapping, "I'm giving you two a make-up kit so you can fix it up if something messes it up."

"Okay." Prince and I said in unison. Karen and Bush packed up their things as he and I chatted.

"The bodyguard will come with us to Marcy's to keep everything under control." I confirmed, he nodded in understanding.

Bush headed over to us to say goodbye and so did Karen.

"Bye guys, have a happy Halloween." I said, giving out hugs as Prince shook hands.


Prince wrapped his spooky orange pumpkin cupcakes that he made in plastic wrap. I grabbed the candy (the nice large candy bars) from the pantry and the masks. I handed his mask to him and strapped my mask to my face.

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