Chapter Nineteen: Minnesota Ladies

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September 4th, 1993

Michael's POV

"Prince, Prince, PRINCE!" His eyes opened at the third Prince.

"What?" He mumbled.

"How long is this flight?" I whispered in his ear.

"2 hour hours, somethin' like that." He grumbled. Oh god, if he sleeps through this entire flight, I will not be able to do this. I peeked over at him, he was fast asleep, nothing could wake him.

My sweaty clothes clung to my body; ew. I inspected the overhead compartment, in search of my carry on. The carry on had an extra set of clothes in it. I found it and dressed in the bathroom before the flight took off.

I sat myself down in my new clean clothes. The fresh clothing felt soft and nice against my skin. I exhaled softly as the piolt informed us that we were leaving.

The plane lifted off the grownd, it made my stomach learch. My hands squeezed the arm rests beside me. My breathing snagged as we experenced the slightest bit of turbulence. Damn you Prince! Why'd you have to fall asleep on me!

He stirred next to me when the plane tumbled in the sky. I tucked my legs underneath my chin, hugging them tightly. My eyes drooped the slightest bit; I can't sleep, what if something happens?! But it got the best of me, my eyes shut after a few more minutes of fighting. My breathing eased. And slumber took me.


I gradualy opened my eyes, the cabin was dark, only small amounts of light from the isle shown.

An annoucment came on over head, "around and hour and 30 minutes left in thr flight, thank you."

I stretched my legs and my body. The cabin seemed so tiny, I just wanted to get up and walk around. My restlessness must have woken Prince, he made a noise next to me.

"What the f*ck is going on?" He asked, alarmed.

"Language Princess." I scolded.

"Answer the goddamn question please?" He scowled. Cranky.

"We're on a plane so we can go to your house.....grump." I mutteted. He didn't seem to notice. Prince acknowledge my response and went back to sleep again, leaving me alone.

I requseted a water from the steward in hand, he gave it to me and I thanked him. I sipped it as I glazed out the window. The lights outside were miniscule.

I tried to get some more rest but sleep wouldn't come. I groaned and shut my eyes, hoping sleep would finally take me. It came after an extuciating 20 minutes of trying.


A hand shook my side roughly, it rocked me back and forth. I opened my eyes, Prince was shaking me.

"Up sweetheart." He grabbed me hand and pukled me up. I gained my balence quickly. We rushed off the plane, eager to get back to the sweet realese of sleep.

He guided me off the plane, my sleepy daze was still affecting my motor skills. I tripped a bit on the way to the car, he glared at me and I glared back. We were both on our last nerve, the uneasy sleep and awakening didn't helping.

I entered the car first, I tried to get back to sleep again but nothing would work. Must be thise damn time zones, this is why I don't like to tour.

Around an hour later we arrived at Paiesly Park. The clock on the dashbored read: 3:00 AM. It is too early. Some staff members opened the grand doors for us.

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