Chapter Twelve: Marcy's Story

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Marcy's POV

Michael quietly snored as he slept on the couch. I sat in a chair opposite of him, it was my turn to watch him. He looked sweet, it reminded me of the first time I met him. I would find him so often sleeping on the couch like that. Because of Lisa or being burnt out.

Flashback, July 1990

Delihla looked at me, she sat across from me in the living room of our small, shared, apartment. She was my roommate for collage. Our little dog Collin yapped at something through the window.

"You just graduated collage, I'm still in for one more year and neither of us have enough money to pay rent. You need to get a job and fast." She stated, glaring at me.

"I told you, I'm looking for jobs." I said, holding up a newspaper with job opportunities circled on it. I skimmed over the page, one job, which I had not circled, caught my eye. There was a number and how much the job would pay written in the page. The money's good, it can't be to far away.

"Hey Delihla, I think I found one." I informed her. She got up from her seat and came over. She read it, her face twisted into disgust.

Delihla had lived in Calia all her life, she knew about things and what to stay away from. I had just moved from West Virginia for collage

"Don't get that job, the person's a freak." She declared, snatching the newspaper from me.

"It pays good money, we need that money!" I persisted. She gave me a look.

"Whatever, go work for that weirdo." Delihla shrugged.

A few days later

I called the number and set up an interview. The people seemed very glad that I had set the job up. Very eager, I wonder why no one wants this job?

A few days later

I drove out to the house, it was a long and winding road. Nothing like the roads in West Virginia, the address I vaguely remember it from something. TV show? The news? Who knows.

I was really confused about the location of the place, it seemed really far out.

I arrived at the gates, there was a sign at the top, of course I didn't bother to read it. Next to it a small security booth sat, a middle aged guy sat looking around. I pulled up to the booth and rolled down my window.

"Uh hello?" I stuttered. The guard turned his head towards me, he looked tired.

"Why are you here?" He asked, blandly, no emotion whatsoever.

"Interview." I said, my insides churned.

"ID?" He held his hand out. I got my purse out and ruffled though it. I pulled out my ID and handed it to him. He took it and studied it, he pushed a button and the gates opened. I took my ID and drove on. A rocky stretch of road led to a developed area. A confusing ride it was but then my eyes rested on a marvelous Tudor style house.

Fields of flowers were everywhere. An amusement park sat in the distance, where the actual hell am I?

I never paid any attention to celbritys houses, this scene was very new to me.

I parked my car and got out, waddling up to the front steps. I straightened out my pencil skirt and blazer,I took one finally deep breath, I knocked on the door. A young man opened it, his name tag read, Personal Assistant- M. Huge.

"Ms. Smith?" He asked.

"Yes, that's me." I said, looking down at my feet.

"Come in." He gestured for me to enter.

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