Chapter Thirteen: Oh No! We Gotta Go!

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A week later


Tissues piled up around me, covering my bed-spread. My body ached like someone was constantly pushing and poking it. Down to my toes to my finger tips hurt. I couldn't even move or it would feel like someone was punching me. My eyes traveled around the room, resting one thing to another. I cough came up from my throat. It wracked my body.

My breathing was by far the worst, it felt like something was pushing down on my chest, not letting me breathe. My tired eyes started to droop and ran until they finally closed, sending me off into an uneasy sleep.

An hour later

I slowly opened my eyes, my room was filled with bright sunshine. I wanna be outside so badly, enjoying the wonderful weather. I retracted into a small ball, resting my skinny legs against my chest. Another round of coughs came up my raw throat, I winced. A small knock echoed off my bedroom door. I couldn't speak, my vocal cords raw and unused for several days.

Marcy entered the room, wearing one of my face masks. She rested her hands on her swollen stomach. She waddled over to me and sat down on the bed, by my feet.

"How are you doing?" Marcy questioned, politely. She crossed her hands across her lap. I didn't say a word, nothing would come out of me. I gave her a painful stare. Worry spread across Marcys face, she fiddled with her hands. Ow, I just want this to be over.

"Do you need help sitting up?" She asked, extending her hand. I barely moved my head, yes. Marcy found my hands under the covers. She pulled me up slowly, I could tell she felt great concern for my bony hands. She let go, I was able to stay up for a few seconds. Then I fell back. No! Marcy cought my hands.

She shifted so she sat next to me, on the edge of the bed. Her face twisted with confusion and worry. I leaned on her, Marcys hand glided down to the side of my frail body. I'm so pathetic. Marcy felt each one of my ribs, they were picking out of my side.

"Did you really eat the food people prepared for you?" Marcy pondered, hugging me closer to her. I nodded my head no. I could see and hear Marcy sigh with frustration. Michael, you're so weak, like a baby, you can't even take care of yourself, my negative thoughts screamed at me.

"How much do you weigh?" Marcy asked, slightly sliding me onto her lap. I shrugged.

"I'm going to take you to the bathroom to weigh you." Marcy declared, scooping me up into her small arms. I struggled to get out of her group, but I was to weak. Dammit! I can't even get out of a 2 and a half month pregnant lady, who is 5'3, arms. She lifted me off and slid of the bed. Marcy waddled over to the bathroom, then to the scale. Her shiny black shoes made tiny clicking noises one the marble floors.

She might hurt the baby! That thought jerked into my mind.

"Don't hurt the baby." I muttered, my voice coming out raspy.

"I won't." Marcy assured me. She finally arrived at the scale, Marcy slowly helped me stand.

"Can you stand on your own?" Marcy looked up at me, her big hazel eyes penetrating my soul. I shook my head, no.

"Ok," she sighed, "then, you will hold my hand and I'll grab onto your waste, ok?" I nodded yes. She took my hand and put her other arm around me. Marcy helped me I to the scale. The little arrow pointed to 104 lb. That's, not good. Marcy gasped, she gently scooped me up and sped walked back to my bed.

She put her hands on her head and paced around.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Marcy whispered, frantically. My breathing started going faster, a cough racked my body, then another. I was having another coughing fit. Marcys head snapped torwds me, she placed her delicate tiny hands on my skinny shoulders.

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