Chapter Twenty-two: Invitation

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October 17th

Michael's POV

I gently applied make-up to my chest and neck to covery the obnoxious hickeys Prince gave me last night. My ass still hurt from our adventure.

Prince opened the bathroom door and came up behind me with our clothes in hand. I took my outfit and sat it on the counter near the sink. He observed me as he put his clothes on, studying my chest and neck.

"I did a pretty good job last night." He commented, slipping on his shirt.

"Yes you did." I buttoned up my red corduroy shirt, I took my pants and as I did, Prince grinned.

I gave him a strange glare, then I realized the pants he had chose were the tightest pair I owned.

I struggled to pull them up, "why'd you choose these? They're my tightest pair."

"The fit your plump booty nicely." He bit his lip and stared at my behind.

"You're so dirty." I looked in the mirror, these pants really did show off my ass and thighs.


I trudged down the stairs with my bags in hand. They almost slipped from my hands a few times, the loudness must have startled Prince because he dropped a few pieces of mail that he was sorting through.

He bent down and picked a letter up. I hurried down the stairs, abandoning my luggage so I could read the letters too.

"I got an invitation to a Halloween party at George Clooney's house. Guess I'll have to come to Neverland with you." He smiled, I took the invitation from him. It had gold around the edges and pumpkins on the inside.

"Shut it, you were going to come anyway." I laughed.

"True." Prince stated, taking the card back and tucking it into his pants.

"Oh and I have to wear a costume." He said.

"I can have my designer do something for you." I replied, kissing his hand.

"Thank you." He kissed my cheek instead. Our romantic gestures were halted when two staff members barged into the room, taking out things out to the car.

We decided this was our que to get in the car. We sat together in the back as the driver drive us to the airport. We remained unseen exiting the car and entering the car.


I buckled my seat belt and so did Prince. My limo took us to Neverland from the airport.

A load of reporters waited around the gates when we pulled in. I told the driver to stop from entering through the gates. I quickly rolled my window down a sliver, just enough to stick my hand through. I did the peace sign and waved my hand. The cracked window let all the noise from outside fill the car.

The press shouted a boatload of questions at me, it was hard picking out just one.

"Are you going to make a statement about what your family said?! Why have you stayed silent for so long?! Who is your lover?!" Shoot, I forgot about all of the drama. I quickly rolled up the window and let the car into the grounds, not wanting to deal with this.

Prince grabbed my hand and rubbed the top of it, "it'll be okay." He whispered.

"I know." I leaned my head against his shoulder. The car rumbled down the driveway, bouncing us around.

We went inside, a person sat in the living room waiting. Prince imedently walked off to a different room, leaving me to deal with whatever he wanted.

He was Arlow Steinbrinner my advisor. I dreaded him, he was always so prim and proper. Everything I did, he freaked out about.

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