Chapter Fourteen: Day Two

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Two Days later

Michael's POV

I was laying down on the hospitals uncomfortable mattress, the rough sheets covering me. Janet sat in the corner chair, flipping through some home and gardening magazine. The quite flip flops of the the page were comforting in some strange way. Rain pounded on the large windows. The sky darkened into almost complete blackness, what a dreary day.

I tossed and turned, back and forth on the stiff bed, trying to be somewhat comfy. I was able to move better, I wasn't so weak anymore. I still couldn't stand very well, or at all for that matter. Janet licked her finger, flipped the page and skimmed it. She raised her eyebrows at something interesting. Janet seemed oblivious to my restlessness. I huffed.

I rolled onto my back, spreading my arms out. I cleared my throat, hoping to get some attention. Is she deaf? Janet looked up from her oh-so-intresting magazine.

"What?" She asked, closing the magazine. I grumbled something along the lines of, I'm bored, let's do something.

"What?" Janet persisted, a little bit more agitated.

"Dunk, I'm bored." I said a bit louder.

"What do you want to do?" She inquired.

"I dunno." I rolled over to face her.

"Work on some songs, I brought you a pen and paper for a reason." She suggested, I looked at the pad of paper and pen sitting by my bedside.

"I'm sick, I don't want to work on any songs." I groaned. Janet glared at me, her eyes screaming: Oh you better work on those goddamn songs! I quickly grabbed the pen and paper, pretending to scribble something down.

"Are you happy now?" I grinned. She nodded and smiled. Janet got up from her seat and stepped over to the door, opening it. What's she doing?

"I'll be back, I'm going to get some take-out. Hospital food is freaking nasty." Janet explained, stepping out and closing the door. I threw the pad and pen back on the table, my eyes found their way to the phone sitting on the table. Prince. Oh my god. I haven't called Prince in, like, a week! I reached over to the table, grabbed the phone and called Prince.

Around the third ring someone picked up but I could tell it was my little Princess right away.

"Lookie who we have here." Prince said, playfully. There was a hint of hurt in his lustful voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello to you too." I greeted.

"So, why haven't you called." He sourly said.

"Well your majesty, I got sick." I huffed.

"I know that!" Prince snapped. I rested my head in my hand.

"I got really sick, like really, really sick." I explained.

"Elaborate." He sighed. I groaned, massaging my temples.

"I'm at the hospital." I said, much quieter.

"WHAT?!" Prince yelled. I sniffed, hanging my head.

"How long have you been in the hospital?!?!" He questioned.

"Two days." I glanced at the window, rain poured outside. Prince mumbled something unintelligible.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"You were spreading in the hospital for two f*cking days and you didn't think to call me?!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry! Okay, I had things going on!" I exclaimed.

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