Chapter Eighteen: Pride Night Pt. 2

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September 3rd, 1993

Michael's POV

Prince and I continued to scarf down the food. I ate some of my chips as Prince bawled up his garbage.

"You done?" He asked, getting up to throw away his food.

"Yeah here." I handed him my trash, he dropped it into the waste basket.

"So," he smirked, "you said you wanted to do something extreme." I nodded; what does he have in mind?

"That's exactly what I said." I gave Prince a verbal response. He pulled the map out of his back pocket and opened it.

"What about The Beast?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I feel like I've heard of that. The Beast you said?" Prince revealed the picture of the ride on the map, it showed a wooden coster called the The Beast. He turned it to himself again.

"Oh yeah! Isn't it the largest wooden rollercoster in the world?" He questioned

"Yes! That's what I heard!" I exclaimed.

"So, do you wanna ride it?" Prince challenged.

"Yes I do." I jumped up from my seat, following Prince. We took a few wrong turns down various paths. I was starting to get frustrated when Prince pointed down a small path and hollered,

"That's the path!"

"You said that 3 paths ago." I groaned.

"No, I'm sure of it. This is the right one." He grabbed my hand and yanked me to it. We came upon a sign, the correct sign.

Next to it was a miniscule train station, the little train pulled in. It's whislte blew, suprsing Prince who hadn't noticed it.

"Hey that train lookes like the one at my house!" I bellowed.

"Wait train?" He paused, "ohhh, yes the train." We made headway on our treck to the ride. As we arrived at the waiting dock for the ride, Prince and I were both suprised at the amount of people waiting.

Butterflies swarmed in my stomach as the feeling of eyes bored onto me. I stared down at my feet, not looking at anyone or anything. Prince found my hand and held it, providing a source of comfort.

The sun travled farther down in the sky, leaving only a glimmer of light. I stepped in the car, Prince got in next to me. The ride started, throwing us into a curve. I gasped; how can this rickety thing endure all of this.

The ride tossed us around in the dark, it was very exhlirating. The woods enclosed us, sending shivers down my spin. I looked at Prince he had a frightened look plastered on his face.

"Oh this is spooky!" I comented, his face contorted into horror as we entered a dark tunnel.

"Oh shit." He whispered, I laughed at his ridiclousness. The coster pulled up to the waiting dock, we got out. Prince still looked mortified as we walked out of the small wooded area.

We windered around the park, searching for something to do. I pointed out a blue ride called: Vortex. The rollercoster had a large loops that intimidated me greatly.

Prince and I got on, only a few other people were present. The ride was a little rough, but it was actually teally fun and exiting.

I got off first, we walked to the large arcade area of the park. He paied for some tickets for the games, I did a guess your weight challenge, the guesser didn't guess right at all. Prince tried a pop the ballon to win a large bear kind of game. He was able to pop zero of them.

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