Chapter Seven: Imma Take You On A Date

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Prince POV

I woke up to heat consuming me, where the hell am I? It sure as hell isn't the guest bedroom. Then it hit me, gold decor, red everywhere....I'm in Michael's bedroom. Oh god please tell me I didn't have sex with him, even though I really want to do that. And why am I so hot? I tilted my head to the side a bit, to try and see what the culprite of me being so hot it is. Oh holy crap....Michael's spooning me.

Michael's lips were pressed aganst my temple, like he's kissing me. It's to freaking hot in here, I need to get up. All of the sudden, all the memorys of last night hit me. Me going to sleep in Michael's bed after he woke up from the nightmare, snuggling him, admitting that we like each other. Oh god. The heat was still engulfing me, I really, really need to get up. I started to wiggle out of Michael's clutches.

Michael POV

I felt movement aganst me. My eyes fluttered open, to find myself spooning Prince. My lips were pressed aganst his fourhead. I quickly removed my lips from him. Oh my gosh, what the heck did we do last night? Prince turned his head around to face me. His eyes widened at the sight of me being awake.

"Uh...Good morning." Prince said, akawardly.

"Good m-morning." I stuttered. I sat up, quickly, suprising Prince. After a bit of shock, Prince soon got up also.

"So about last night-" I started. Before I could say anything else, Prince pushed his finger to my lips.

"Do you still like me?" Prince questioned, in a deep sensual voice. I was so cought off guard.

"W-what?!" I said, suprised.

"Do you still like me?" Prince repeated.

"Y-yes." I whispered. Oh my gosh what the hell did I just say?

Awkward silence engulfed the room. No one daring to say anything....Until Prince leaned over to me and kissed me straight on the lips. My lips didn't move for a few seconds, I had no idea what to do. Once I got the rhythm, my lips started to move in sync. Oh, his mouth tastes like candy. His lips soft to the touch. Why do I like this? I know it's okay to like guys, but this is Prince! I'm supposed to hate him! But now the hate is gone and it's replaced with, love. I love Prince.....What will the media do?! I'm so confused!

He reached up and put his hand on my face. My hands traveled down to his hips. Prince bit my bottom lip, asking to enter my mouth. I gave him permission, his tounge dove straight into my mouth, exploring every inch of it. Our tounges had a heated battle for dominance. Princes hands left my face, and inched to my shoulders. He slowly pushed me down onto the bed, still kissing me.

Oh sweet Jesus this feels so nice! Jeez what am I saying! If Joseph every found out about this! He would say I'm going straight to hell! But I don't care, I like this, I like this better than kissing a girl. I always knew I had something for boys, but I thought I liked girls more. Oh boy how the tables have turned. I tugged on Princes hips, pulling his pelvis closer to me. I little moan slipped from me. I hope none of the staff members hear this. Another moan, louder this time, slipped. I felt Prince smile against my lips. He took his hands away from my shoulders, and removed my hands from his hips. He moved my arms, so they were above my head.

I like this part of Prince, dominant, it's turning me on. Our make out session lasted a few minutes longer, until Prince rolled off of me. I was breathing heavily, so was he. That's the best make out session I've ever had. I like being dominated, not me dominating someone else.

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