Chapter Sixteen: Coming Home

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September 1st, 1993

Michaels POV

I cleaned up my clothes and belongings, shoving them into a bag. I straightened up the bed sheets and pillows. I was back to a healthy weight and health finally. Janet swung the door open dramaticly, startling me. I dropped a pair of socks as she entered. She picked them up for me. Janet's hair was a mess, she looked disheveled.

"Woah, what the hell happened to you?" I asked, taking the socks back.

"Press, they know you're here." Janet heaved, out of breath. Oh no. Oh god no. My mouth dropped.

"I-I, d-don't know what to do. What are we going to do?" I stuttered.

"We have to get out before the crowd gets to big, that's pretty much the solution." She aforementioned. Janet grabbed a bag, I got one too.

"Okay, whose gonna get the rest of the bags?" I questioned, feeling hopeless.

"Your or my bodyguards." She explained. She opened the door, showing me out. Wonder if the press is at my house, if Prince is there, he's probably trapped. I walked out of the room, two bodyguards barged passed us. They retrieved the rest of my belongings. 6 more guards gathered outside the room.

They surrounded us, Janet and I now smushed together. We headed down the cordor, every few seconds a patient, doctor or nurse would appear. Each one of them would give me a strange look. They know, everyone knows. I want this to be over. I bowed my head in shame and in embarrassment.

Janet rested a hand on my shoulder in comfort. She gave me a warm smile, I gave a weak one back. We continued to walk, I still earned glares from people. We entered the lobby, loud screams and camera noises came from outside. I rapped my scarf around my face and slipped my sunglasses and fedora on. The sunglasses hid my emotions, that I was greatful for.

A bodyguard opened an umbrella to shield me from the sun. Janet, the guards and I braced ourselves for the crowd. The sliding glass doors opened, the noise penetrated my ears.

"Michael! Michael! Mr. Jackson! Janet! Over here!" The press shouted, "is the rumor true?!" I ignored them, shutting them out. She people, not the press, shouted slurs. Tears ran down my face, I wiped them away with my scarf. A few fans with signs, and flags, were mixed in with the crowd. A guy had a pride flag tied around him, he countered the slurs with nice messages.

I moved the scarf slightly lower on my face, letting him see my lips. I smiled at him, he smiled back. He gave me a simpithetic look. Out of the blue, a reporter shoved him out of the way to get my attention.

"Hey! Don't forget to my fans! F*ck you!" I screamed, I helped the poor fan up.

"I like your flag." I whispered, I could see in the look in his face, he knew.

"Wait! Oh my....ya' know what, I'll shut up." He said. I gave him a quick hug and a pat on the back. I ran to be with Janet, we stalked off to the limo. Someone unlocked the door, and I opened the door for Janet. She tossed my bag in, so did it, then she climbed it. I was shoved in by my guard, the crowd was drawing more people.

I laid on the seat, mentally and physically exhausted. Janet didn't saw a word, neither did I. The car started and the driver pulled out onto the road. The drive was quite peaceful, not a lot of traffic or people out. I stared out the window at the passing cars, I recognized places when we neared Neverland. When Neverland did get closer, the amount of traffic thickened, mostly the cars of the press.

The driver drove up to the gate, talked to the security guard, then the enormas metal gates opened. In a matter of a few seconds we where at the house. Janet got out one side as J got out the other, I thanked the driver and let my bodyguards get the luggage. I found my key in my pocket after digging for a bit. I unlocked the door, dropped my keys in the small table by the door.

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