Chapter Fifteen: Troublemakers

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Day 6

Michael's POV

The sun shown outside, casting bright rays into the room. I rested in my bed, bored as hell. The sterile smell of the hospital enclosed me, Janet flipped through a small book. I stared off I do space, ignoring Janets quiet breathing. Janet flipped a page and finished reading the book, then she looked up at me.

"Are you bored, 'cause I am." Janet stated, closing her book.

"Yeah, but there's nothing to do." I groaned, rubbing my temples. Janet perked up.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, mother and Latoya are coming to see you." She exclaimed. My face went pale, I have a bad feeling about this.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I'm pretty sure it's gonna go well, they said they just want to talk." Janet reassured me, though it didn't really work.

"Ok, uh, stay in the room, please?" I begged, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"I'll stay in the room, dork." She agreed. I exhaled a sigh of relief. I crossed my legs and rested my elbow on the arm rest on the side of the bed. My hair felt disgusting, I haven't showered in, like, two days? Damn, I need to take one.

"Dunk, can you help up? I have to get ready." I said, extending my arms.

Janet got up, "sure." She pulled me up, I steadied myself on her shoulder.

"I got this from here." I declared.

"Are you sure? You seem a little shaken." She asked.

"I'm all good." I leaned off of her, Janet sat back down. I wobbled my way over to the small bathroom, opening the door and closing it behind me. I took off the hospital gown, dropping it to the floor. I glanced up at myself in the mirror, wow. A five 'o clock shadow covered myself, my hair was a greasy mess of unkempt curls. Ew, I even had some acne.

I grunted a looked away from the mirror, I quickly took a leak and turned on the shower. There was a tiny chair on the shower to sit on, I could either stand or sit. Sit. I'm sitting, I already feel tired. I sat down o the tiny stool, the warm water splashed me in the face. The hot water ran down my body, relaxing it.

I grabbed the shampoo, scrubbing my hair with it. I made sure to wash my hair thourghly. My curls slapped me in the face, I spit out some of the soapy water. Gross. I rinsed out my hair then grabbed a miniature bar of soap. I washed myself and got out. I dried myself off with a fluffy white towel. The bathroom filled with steam, the mirror, was a fogged up. I wiped it off with the towel.

I looked at myself in the mirror. You're disgusting. You look to much like Joseph. My thoughts pounded my self esteem. My nose is to big. I looked down at the sink. I just want Prince. I pulled out a small bag that Janet had brought from Neverland, it had hygiene products in it. I took out the shaving cream and razor. I covered my face in the cream and then I shaved. When I finished my face was left clean and smooth, no cuts or missed spots.

I brushed my teeth with the mint tooth paste that I had. I spit out the foamy tooth paste, washing my mouth out with some water. Ok, I need to get dressed, I searched around the room for my underwear. Shoot, it's not there. I pounded on the door for Janet.

"Yes?!" She yelled.

"I-I need some underwear..." I said, sheepishly.

"Hold on, I'll get you some." Dunk called out. I stood and waited, huddling in my towel. Janet pushed the door open, only a sliver though. She handed me the underwear, I took it greatfully. I wiggled them on. Ah. I slipped in the hospital gown again, why do I have to wear this stupid thing? It's like a dress. I opened the door and stepped out.

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