"Avery, I've got something to tell you."
I glance over to him from the dining table, munching on a large bite of toast.
He leans over the counter with his eyes staring intensely into mine, lifts up his spoon and says, "I'm a cereal killer." And then swallows a large gulp of Cheerios.
I laugh at him, shaking my head. If anyone had said that kind of thing to me at the beginning of this year, I would judge them and roll my eyes. But when he did it, I can't help but think how flippin' adorable he is.
My reason is shaking her head and making gagging sounds at me.
"Hey, I never knew you wore glasses," I announce as he joins me at the table, giving me a peck on the cheek as he slumps into the empty chair.
He beams at me, wiggles his ears and causing his soft-grey glasses to bounce up and down on his nose. "Well, I tend to wear contact lenses, but I forgot to bring over an extra pair. Why? Do you not like my glasses?"
Leaning slowly towards his face, I put my lips to his and with him otherwise occupied, I snatch the glasses from his face and slide them over my ears.
"Hey!" he protests.
"Yes, I do like your glasses. But personally, I think they look better on me." I playfully strike a pose. "What do you think?"
He squeezes my hand and replies, "They do look pretty sexy on you."
"Well," I remove the lenses and squint my eyes as they readjust, "as much as I would like to play out one of your teenage fantasies, I can't keep them on for more than a minute, my God is that prescription strong."
"Yeah well, we can't all be perfect, can we?" he asks with a sideways glance.
I simply scrunch up my nose at his remark and go back to flicking through the newspaper, pretending to be interested in the happenings of today, but really I am just thinking about last night.
Of course my mind is very much focusing on the bad parts of last night, but it keeps flicking between that and what he said. I can't decide which one had a greater effect on me.
He leans forward, tucks hair behind my ear and strokes my cheek. "You look absolutely knackered. What time did you come to bed after I found you downstairs?"
I shrug and swallow down some more of my toast. "Oh only about ten minutes later. Don't worry, I always look like this. You just don't usually see me without makeup on," I joke, trying to change the subject.
He chuckles softly. "Very funny." He then looks at me with a sincere frown and says, "There isn't a product in the world that could make you any more beautiful than you already are."
I lean forward and kiss Him. When our lips separate I only move a few inches from his face before murmuring, "Where did you get that one from? Some teen magazine?"
He nudges me playfully and digs back into his bowl of cereal.
Several minutes later, his phone dances along the table. He quickly snatches it up and pushes his chair back. "I didn't realise what the time was, I've got to go."
He leans down and kisses me goodbye.
"Bye," I reply with a mouthful.
I admire Him as he puts on his shoes and grabs his jacket. He loves me. He accepts me for me.

Insane - Who Are You To Judge? (Gripping Psychological Thriller)
Mystery / Thriller"My name is Avery Blake. I will be the hero for the next 300 pages. Well, in my opinion I will be anyway. After all, this is my story. My primary occupation is as a pharmaceutical rep. I have to say I do love the sales and I definitely love the cash...