I decided to write this novel because I love moral philosophy. I love that there is no right answer. That nothing is universal. In fact, there are some theories that are entirely opposite. Deontological Ethics believes it is the motive that makes an act right or wrong. Teleological Ethics believes it is the outcome. Then, we have Aristotelian Ethics, that suggests it is down to our intuition. That it is down to the individual. So, with moral theories being so different, how can we as people say what is categorically right or wrong? And furthermore, how can we judge the acts of others?
With this novel, I wanted to explore the different influences on people's perception of morality. More specifically; how different they can be. If there can be such different factors that affect our individual moral compasses and lead them to be so different in themselves - then no one is right. I wanted this novel and these characters to portray morality in a new light. As ever-changing and relative. As something we cannot judge another person by, since we don't all agree. I'm now going to talk a little bit about the influences I chose to portray in this story. And I want to give the quick disclaimer:
This next section will include discussion about plot points and twists, so please read it after you have finished the story.
Insane - Who Are You To Judge? (Gripping Psychological Thriller)
Mystery / Thriller"My name is Avery Blake. I will be the hero for the next 300 pages. Well, in my opinion I will be anyway. After all, this is my story. My primary occupation is as a pharmaceutical rep. I have to say I do love the sales and I definitely love the cash...